2011 Los Bay Petrosian Olympic Games

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2011 Los Bay Petrosian Olympic Games
Status Ended
Date November 26, 2011 - January 9, 2012
Host Cities Labstadt, Tanah Baru
Opened by Yury Zozulya
NLC member
Events 6 sports
Next event 2012 Los Bay Petrosian Olympic Games, TBA

2011 Los Bay Petrosian Olympic Games is the second time that the Los Bay Petrosian National Olympic Games held by the LSA and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Federal Republic of Los Bay Petros. The olympic was held for a month, spanning from the end of November 2011 to the early January 2011.

Host State

The following states who held the 2011 LOG are:


  • Soccer
    Labsky Stadt
  • Softball
    Hasan Gozali Sport Complex, Soekarnograd, Tanah Baru
  • Racing
    Vintorei Intermicronational Circuit, Dredim Autoring
  • Basketball
    Labstadt Indoor Stadium
  • Badminton
    Hasan Gozali Sport Complex, Soekarnograd, Tanah Baru
  • Los Bay Petrosian-rule Handball
    Labstadt Indoor Stadium