Arsalanian Socialism

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'Labbaik ya Hussayn' is an expression of allegiance to Imam Hussayn A.S who was martyred with 72 companions at Karbala by the Umayyad Army at the command of Yazid. His sacrifice and legacy is a core symbol of Arsalania's belief in the struggle for complete submission of the soul.

Arsalanian Socialism (Urdu: ارسلعینیائی اشتراکیہ or ارسلعینیائی سوشلزم) also referred to as Arsalanian Islamic Socialism or simply as the 'Ideology of Arsalania' is the state ideology of the People's Republic of Arsalania. It was officially adopted as a result of the 21st March Resolution[1] which was passed in the National Parliament. It's adoption was one of the many reforms outlined in the resolution and was adopted to bring the state's ideological position in line with that of the people. The Socialist Party of Arsalania is the first and only Arsalanian Socialist Party. The SPA is currently in power in Arsalania.

Arsalanian Socialism is defined by many as a complex yet unique blend of various political ideologies including the concepts of Islamic Socialism, Islamic Nationalism (Pan-Islamism) Democratic Socialism, Direct Democracy and Khomeinism.

In essence however, the core tenet of Arsalanian Socialism is the affiliation of the Arsalanian people with Islam, as such it reflects the beliefs of the majority of the people. Arsalanian Socialism is defined officially as not only an ideology that focuses entirely on compassion, but one that takes all people of all backgrounds into account and turns governance into brotherhood. All of which are believed to be in line of Imam Ali A.S's style of governance and in general the very spirit of Islam and the commandments present in the Qur'an as well as the Ahadith-e-Nabwi and those of the Imams. Arsalanian Socialism invokes a revolutionary form of Shi'ism as the foundation for it's proposed ideological programme very much akin to the ideals and writings of figures like Iranian revolutionary & sociologist Dr Ali Shariati.

The SPA adopted the book 'Arsalanian Socialism: A guide to the Ideology of Arsalania' as the core ideological treatise of Arsalanian Socialism on 3 October 2022.


Arsalanian Socialism's roots are described as being sown by the failure of Arsalania's original ideology, Arsalanian Trotskyism to gain any significant popularity. This led to a realization being made by the Executive branch of the government of Arsalania that such ideological positions held by the state were not only against Arsalania's core values of alignment with it's people's views and significantly reduced the ability of Arsalania to act as a united nation and impaired any initiatives the Arsalanian government may ever wish to take.

21st March Resolution and reasons behind it

However, starting from such realizations in late 2020, no action would be seen of any sort until March 2021, when the 21st March Resolution was passed in a historic session of the National Parliament. As part of the 21st March Resolution, Islam was declared as the State Religion with the Ja'fari fiqh declared as the state's source of jurisprudence. This was part of the 21st March Resolution's key focus as to align the state's ideology with that of the state. This was believed as being the appropriate measure as at the time 100% of the population of the People's Republic were practicing Twelver Shi'ites and it would be impossible for any government to form without reflecting the character of the people. The adoption of a state religion as Islam was also reflected by a shift in the Supreme Leader's own beliefs which would allow such reforms to be enacted. While today with the integration of Mesustan, citizens following the Hanafi Fiqh (15% of the population) are present, the core message and focus on Islam and the very anti-sectarian nature of the federal government's Khomeinist policies, Arsalanian socialism continues to reflect the beliefs of the people by at least a majority.

Arsalanian Socialism as the ideology of Arsalania

As a result of such, a significant shift in Arsalanian ideological positions took place as Arsalanian Trotskyism was removed as the State ideology. In it's place, the ideology known as Arsalanian Socialism would be declared as the official ideology of the Socialist Party of Arsalania and that of the State.

Ever since the adoption of Arsalanian Socialism as the state ideology, a total redesign of state symbols has taken place (with the exception of the National Flag) and major changes have been enacted in regards to the mode of operation of the Federal Government. As not even one year has passed since the adoption of Arsalanian Socialism as the state ideology it is hard to state what it's effects have been but the general consensus is that major positive developments (such as establishment of the proper national archival and legal system, integration of a new province into Arsalania and so on) have taken place since. It has yet to be seen what the future holds for Arsalania under it's present ideological alignment.

On 2 April 2022, the First Constitutional Amendment was passed by the Arsalanian Constitution, which amended nine articles of the Constitution to bring it in line with the 6 points of the 21 March Resolution. Such included the adoption of Twelver Shi'a Islam as the State Religion, enshrinement of Arsalanian Socialism as the State Ideology as well as other changes such as the abolishment of the Provincial Council System to be replaced by a simple Provincial Government System consisting of Qualified Civil Servants rather than an elected council.

The adoption of Arsalanian Socialism has allowed the actual popularity of the Socialist Party of Arsalania to grow exponentially. While previously Arsalanian Trotskyism was considered as an ideology to which the Arsalanian people were considered to have felt no connection nor similarity with their beliefs.

The Socialist Party of Arsalania (SPA) has also found it's popularity increase exponentially since the adoption of Arsalanian Socialism as it's espoused ideology.

In Late July 2022, the SPA started a programme of recruitment of new members into the SPA as an attempt to bolster their ranks. The SPA has generally been irrelevant as a political party due to the non-partisan nature of the Arsalanian political system, however with general acceptance of Arsalanian Socialism, it is believed that such attempts may just be successful.

The SPA adopted the book 'Arsalanian Socialism: A guide to the Ideology of Arsalania' as the core ideological treatise of Arsalanian Socialism on 3 October 2022, A book that the Supreme leader had been working on since November 2021 and had finished most of by Early April 2022,, over the course of the remainder of 2022, he would work on the collection of essays contained therein which were of course, completed in October. 2022.


Arsalanian Socialism is an ideology that draws both it's ideological basis from Islamic beliefs (From commandments in the Qur'an to the teachings of the Čahârdah Ma'sūmīn' (Fourteen Infallibles, including the Prophet Muhammad , Lady Fatimah and the Twelve Imamsؑ )'

As such it is considered vital that no tenet or position be adopted that is contradictory to Islamic principles.

Position on Rule of Law and Legal Policy

The core Islamic concept of enforcing the rule of law regardless of the background of the accuser or accused plays a major role in the ideological foundations of Arsalanian Socialism as do all other Islamic beliefs play a big role in Arsalanian Socialism. As such Arsalanian Socialism advocates total equality in enforcement of the law as commanded by Allah in the Qur'an. In this regard, Arsalanian socialism further cements it's unique position in comparison to many modern leftist ideologies by maintaining a strong focus on compassion.

For example, if a high ranking military official would be found guilty of corrupt practices such as abuse of power and unauthorized use of national funds, apart from being stripped of his rank, he would still be allowed a post in a lower ranking position with heightened observation in a sort of 'probationary period' while he is fined the total estimated amount. Even in extreme cases, Arsalanian Socialism advocates for the state to pursue a policy of rehabilitation and compensation rather than just dry legalism.

However, Arsalania's ideology still maintains the death penalty for extreme crimes, such as rape and murder. The only way to recompense such acts is the same as in Islamic law, for example compensation of the family with an appropriate sum considered as blood money(which is to be paid by the criminal now proven guilty or by either religious charitable organizations or the state) should the family accept it as well as other means. In the case of recompense however, Arsalanian Socialism maintains the view that such individuals may be actively rehabilitated with concerned departments assigning personnel to ensure resumption of civilian life be possible for all involved individuals by whatever means necessary.

In summation, Arsalanian Socialism places a great emphasis on compassion in legal policy and seeks to instil justice in all individuals while focusing on rehabilitation and compensation rather than punishment and humiliation which are to be exercised as less as possible.

Welfare State

Arsalanian Socialism espouses the creation of a welfare state where funds from the treasury (both from taxes and income produced by state run sectors) are utilized to provide social welfare in addition to the already existing system of Zakat and Khums which is to take place without interference from the state (apart from regular inspection and audit by concerned departments to ensure corruption-less and smooth proceedings)

Healthcare and Education are primary focuses and should be entirely or partially subsidised by the states with at least 70% of the costs covered by national funds. Universal healthcare and Free Education up to the Post-secondary level is considered the ideal level of social welfare to be supported by the state in these sectors.

The Arsalanian Socialist state is further obliged to stockpile necessary resources to dispatch in times of emergency such as during natural disasters , famines, etc. If the country is governed by a federal structure, the federal government is further obliged to dispatch a separate fund for consistent increase in resources for local governments to expand and maintain emergency stockpiles and infrastructure (such as shelters and warehouses housing such supplies)

Arsalanian Socialism supports the creation of state funded subsidies for charitable organizations (religious or otherwise) writers, artists and those interested or involved in any subject of knowledge such that the government itself becomes the primary patron of the people, allowing for rapid development and financial stability for the people, which in turn encourages development and science by phenomenal levels.

Strong Anti-Capitalist Positions and Rejection of the Class System

Arsalanian Socialism strongly opposes the Capitalist system and discredits any claims to it's positive impacts, espousing the view that wherever it has brought economic prosperity, it has been at the price of social, moral and political degradation, plunging many parts of the world often referred to as the 'Developed World' into a commercialized nightmare where the elites continuously exploit the masses at every opportunity possible, meanwhile in the rest of the world the very same system as exemplified in the idea of a U.S centric 'World Order' is utilized to bully and influence nations, a tool that is also used for de-facto economic colonization and power projection against opponents of Western Hegemony.

As such, the exploitative practices and the constant pursuit of wealth and power that Capitalism promotes are denounced and rejected by Arsalanian Socialism.

According to Arsalanian Socialism, the socio-economic class system which has long developed in Industrial society ever since the advent of the second Industrial Revolution has brought severe consequences for humanity and has only allowed small elites to profit and accumulate wealth from the labour and struggle of millions of people, such people are then utilized for expansion of the country ruled by the very same elites and paid a very small sum out of the resources enjoyed by the few. Although the process of the end of Feudal Stratification began with the First Industrial Revolution, Arsalanian Socialism asserts that especially after the Second Industrial Revolution, a neo-feudal sort of exploitative structure has been created that worsens with each iteration in it's treatment of labour itself.

Arsalanian Socialism openly discredits and declares such a system to be immoral and upholds the core Islamic value of equality, stating that the only distinction between people is that of strength of moral character as is the belief of all Muslims; As such, birth, wealth and standing do not decide a person's capabilities and should not be the only measure nor should a person be allowed any position of power or distinction at any cost on the basis of such.

All Citizens are equal and may rise to any rank on the basis of their own capabilities, to segregate people on the basis of their means is considered wrong and an affront to Humanity under an Arsalanian Socialist system.

Direct Democracy and Economic Democracy

Arsalanian Socialism, especially in the context of contemporary Arsalanian governance and the People's Republic; places a great deal of emphasis on the power of a transparent democratic vote to decide virtually any matter in regards to the state. The people may be consulted or may present a petition to modify any state of affairs, from the positions of the state to administrative divisions and the constitution itself.

Furthermore, Arsalanian Socialism espouses a belief in economic democracy, changing the main decision making bodies from corporate managers and stakeholders towards those directly affected and dependent on such decisions, from the workers working under any industry to the general public itself. It is believed that in order to secure both economic and political rights for all people, they must be allowed a say in both how the state is run but also how the economy is run.

Such paired with proper education in economics and general awareness of the principles of governance and politics, is believed to allow the people to essentially guide the very direction of the country on their own. The creation of a participatory economy is considered paramount.

International Relations

Arsalanian Socialism advocates for the creation of a United Islamic World. Due to it's Khomeinist positions, Anti-Sectarianism and cooperation between all Islamic peoples is a principle of paramount importance for an Arsalanian Socialist State. Arsalanian Socialism believes in Anti-Imperialism and supports de-colonisation. Being anti-fascist in nature, Arsalanian Socialism advocates for cooperation and alliance between states to combat strong Fascist forces.

According to Arsalanian Socialism, Unipolar World Orders and Multi-Bloc are wholly illegal and immoral concepts regardless of which state or power serves as the global hegemon as these are not only often maintained without global consensus, but require severe manipulation and violations of International Law and Human rights to establish. Arsalanian Socialism advocates for overthrow of the present US-centric World Order and the establishment of a Global Order that is representative of all Nations rather than focusing on subservience to one Bloc or Superpower. Imperialist and Capitalist States may colonise smaller, less powerful nations for the purposes of creating consumer societies where manufactured goods and companies may find total hegemony, within the modern era such is believed to be an evil that must be vanquished, with equity in trade and diplomatic relations a core principle espoused by Arsalanian Socialism.

Arsalanian Socialism believes that a country should strive to have the best relations possible with any and all countries however it should not attempt to achieve such by compromising in regards to it's positions opposing nations which orchestrate and maintain systematic oppression, genocide and generally immoral policies.

Although National Sovereignty and civil liberties should be maintained, the State is mandated to strive for greater international cohesion, settlement of disputes via peaceful means as much as possible while also promoting economic self-sufficiency as much as possible throughout the world.

See also


  1. The 21st March Resolution passed in the National Parliament's session taking place during the evening of that specific day was a historic resolution that enacted reforms and assigned the state multiple mandates as part of a 6 point agenda. The original document can be viewed here.