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Conorianism was a political theory and ideology in the Kingdom of Fontasia. It was a monarchist and ultranationalist movement that derives its name from King Conor I of Fontasia, the former and only King of Fontasia. The ideology was a result of a shift from the multicultural and more liberal Pan-Assemblic movement prevalent during the former Second Assemblic Federation, the reformation of a Fontasian nation-state and the mixture of foreign influence in modern Fontasian society.



During the late Second Assemblic Federation in 2021 and early 2022, attempts at creating a Pan-Assemblian identity occurred during the onset of foreign influence affecting the nation due to the cessation of isolationism in the summer of 2021. The policies were never truly successful, and the collapse of the Second Assemblic Federation was the result of enforcement of the ineffective ideology on ethnic groups unwilling to consider themselves as Assemblian.

The failure of Assemblian nationalism led to a renewal of ethnic nationalism in Assemblia, with the most prominent being Fontasian nationalism. During the month-long period after the collapse of the Federation, the Fontasian people felt an intense fervor of unity, not seen since 2017. They conquered the Wobanians and taking formerly Fontasian lands back. On 1 March, a Fontasian nation was re-established for the first time in nearly half a decade, which was the climax of this surge of nationalism. 

The weeks and months afterwards there were a sharp decline of this Fontasian nationalism, as Pan-Assemblianism regained popularity in Fontasia as the Assemblian region was in severe instability. This was considered a post-colonial depression, as many Assemblian lands held by Fontasians across the region were now lost. This period, known as the "Low Times" subsided after the expedition to Dilu Island and the development of the first Ergatist manifesto in April 2022, which caused confidence in the Fontasian people that a prosperous future was ahead.

The Zepranan Crises and Fontasian foreign involvement

In May 2022, several political crises occurred in the Zepranan micronations, which Fontasia regained ties with after fierce anti-Zepranan animosity subsided the months after the Dilu War. The Fontasian people saw Zeprana as a potential regional power that could be influenced and guided by a Fontasian value system, which would greater expand Fontasian influence in New England and elsewhere. There was major Fontasian involvement in the Zepranan Civil Conflict of late May, where the Fontasian government backed Terry McKeen's new Zepranan micronation to establish a Fontasian puppet state that shared similar value systems. The Carta Conoricus was used as a basis for suggestions to the new Zepranan government. However, McKeen's new micronation later rejected Fontasian values in early June in place for its own unique values.

The foreign involvement was not widely accepted at first by the Fontasian people, but after the involvement it helped strengthen Fontasian unity, as Fontasia was proven capable of influencing governments enough to enforce their beliefs onto them if needed. Despite this, Fontasia implemented a policy of non-interventionism to avoid unnecessary conflicts or crises.

Fontasian self-reliance

In late June and early July 2022, several micronations proposed political unions with Fontasia, all were rejected by the Fontasian government as they asserted that Fontasia was never going to rely on a foreign power or unify with one. The Fontasian government and King began a series of foreign undermining for Fontasia's own advantage and security, working with Almendria and Zeprana to attack pro-Nexan discord servers.


In July 2022, Fontasia broke relations with Almendria and Zeprana, after Fontasia labeled Almendria as a simulationist micronation, which lead to a major disagreement. Zepranan and Almendrian leadership labeled King Conor as a traitor. Fontasian government then announced it was a third-party power and was against joining any factions to prevent unwanted unions or conflicts. During this time, Fontasia and Elaroech were in contact, leading to an increased friendliness between nations. However, relations slowly became less friendly as Fontasia began to undermine Terry McKeen's position in the newly created union between Elaroech, Zeprana and Pontunia known as the United Kingdom of the Great Bayou. King Conor I finally achieved his revenge of destroying Terry McKeen's new micronational union in mid-July, by exposing the secret Elarian groupchats that conducted a nuking of the Pontunian discord server for the Bayou to be established. The Bayou Kingdom collapsed a few days after the leaking, giving Fontasia a sense of superiority over other micronations and a huge nationalist boost.

Foundation of Conorianism

Conorianism, as a term was coined on 22 July 2022, and it was officially deemed as an ideology on 24 July by King Conor I.

Ideals of the ideology

Conorianism fundamentally is a monarchist and ultranationalist ideology. The ideology believes that King Conor is the father and only true leader of the Fontasian people and has been since 2013 when the first Fontasian micronation was established. The beliefs also include that Fontasia itself is far more superior than any other micronation, and if Fontasia is invalidated by another micronation justice must be achieved. This "Fontasian justice" can range subtle political pressure exerted on a violating micronation or violent attacks on the violating micronation.

Conorianism also mixes present and past Fontasian values, such as avoidance of political unions and revolutionary monarchism. The anti-union and revolutionary monarchist aspects date back to the Fontasian Revolution of 2015, which was against an oppressive and unfair political union Fontasia was involved with and how revolutionaries installed a monarch to power after months of a revolution.

The ideology is highly conservative, and fiercely against allowing foreign influence in Fontasia that would destroy traditional Fontasian culture.

Conorianism promotes Fontasian cultural values and traditions to keep them alive and used. Ethnic assimilation of other cultures within Fontasian lands is also supported. It is Catholic Christian as well.

Conorianism supports the ideals of Assemblian exceptionalism and the Greater Fontasia concept, as the Conorian identity believes Assemblia and Fontasia are superior to all micronations.

Greater Fontasia and Vostevanta

Greater Fontasia

The Greater Fontasia concept was an irredentist and revanchist component of the Conorian ideology, which advocated for Fontasian reclamation and colonization of historical territories and territories possessed by foreign powers, either by force or negotiation. Originating after the veto of the May Imperative to retake lands from the Buddie Union, the Greater Fontasia concept's key goals were the Fontasian reclamation of East Tarcellia, Bahovia and the Orkar Corridor in Assemblia and Parkoria in Massadoria.

Most of the Greater Fontasia concepts were realized by the end of 2022, through the annexation of Parkoria in September 2022 and after the Treaty of Lyndonburg that followed the Orkar Crisis, which saw East Tarcellia, the western portions or Orkar and most of Bahovia being reclaimed by Fontasia. All of the reclamations made by Fontasia in the Greater Fontasia movement were through force.


Vostevanta, literally "Eastern Longing" in the Fontasian language is a continuation and less radical version of the Greater Fontasia concept that evolved after the end of the Orkar Crisis in November 2022. The Vostevanta concept was to regain control of more historically Fontasian lands through diplomacy and negotiation rather than war and conquest. Vostevanta advocates for the Fontasian reclamation of several lands not gained by the Greater Fontasia movement, notably Vilisia from the Buddie Union and a recolonization of the former southern territory of Mappal. Vostevanta also supports the preservation of Fontasian claims on Northan and Dobrok, which are threatened with abandonment.