Democratic Republic of Trygistania

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The Democratic Republic of Trygistania (Trygistanian Somali: Jamhuuriyadda Dimuqraadiga ah ee Trygistania), or just Trygistania is a self-declared landlocked nation located in the Mid-Western United States. It shares a border with the State of Colorado. To the North, it shares a disputed border with Wyoming. In the Southern and west regions, it shares borders with Arizona and New Mexico. The total area of the country used to stand at 6.627 square kilometers (2.559 square miles.) The population of the country currently stands at 7 people, the most recent government census regarding population being taken on the 12th of November 2021. The former capital and biggest city is Maistan located in the Crepista Province. The capital's population is two, the President, and Vice President. The capital of the country used to be located in the District of Misapet, which later got merged with Mujista Municipality in the Krepka Province, the new capital of the country. The Capital would then get it's name changed, on the 12th of November 2021, to The Capital's population currently stands at 2.

The country was founded on the date of the 12th of February 2021 by Abdullahi Adan, the current leader of the country. The official and most used currency is the Trygistanian Pound (TP). The two recognized languages in the country are English, which is the most spoken language in the country, and the Somali language. Currently, the biggest ethnic group in the country is Somalis, standing at 39.85% currently.

The country is formed out of 2 provinces: Crepista Province, and Krupka Province. The country is Formed of 5 Municipalities and Districts.

Citing from the "Important Information" page on the Trygistanian Government Website: "Trygistania is a micronation founded by an ambitious teenager from Colorado


The country's original name pre-foundation was the Republic of Muftania, later being changed to The Democratic Republic of Trygistania to avoid conflicts with the existing Mauritania.

Trygistania comes from the Somali word Trygi, meaning Fearsom, derivied from the Benadiri accent.


Pre-founding era (31st December 2020 - November 10th)

Trygistania, before its founding on the 10th of November, used to be called the Republic of Muftania, but it was changed to avoid conflicts with the already existing Maruitania.

Post-Founding era (28th of February 2021 - 10th of November 2021)[edit | edit source]

After it's founding, Trygistania has already established, on the dates of the 10th and 8th of Novmeber 2021. Mutual recognition treaties had been created. It has also had a redesign in it's National Flag and Coat of Arms.

On the 12th of November 2021, Trygistania has started officially forming it's own Government, made out of Provincial Presidents and the Leader.

On the 1st of November 2021, Trygistania has shifted it's territory in hopes of it avoiding areas inhabited by people who arent aware of the country.

Post-Inactivity era[edit | edit source]

Shortly after the Summer of 2021 has started, Trygistania Government fell under an inactivity that would severely harm the country. The leader wasn't doing anything because of stress and mental overload with the responsibility of being the typical american teen.

On June 13th. 2021, the Trygistanian government called for a legislative meeting with the parliment to discuss plans of reopenng the nation, after morales were lifted with long talks, the Republic was up and running again with it's new independance and flag day being November 12th, 2021.

Land Claims

The Trygistanian President, Abdullahi, has published a page on the Government's website, on the date of the 10th of November 2021, stating that the claims of Trygis are completely titular, and that the Government of Trygistania holds no de facto power over them, but that they may be considered part of the Nation.

Geography of Trygistania

General Information

The 2 provinces of USA and the Republic of Trygistania. One of the Provinces has been raided and has sence been defected to the Republic of United Krygatsia.

Visa Policy of Trygistania

On the 19th of March 2021, Abdullahi, the Leader of Trygistania signed an agreement to introduce Trygistania's new visa policy. More information on the visa policy has been published on the government's website.

Armed Forces of Trygistania

The Armed Forces are comprised of the Army, Navy, Air Corps, and Royal Marines. The Armed Forces we're founded by Abdullahi Adan. The Minimum age requirment to join the Armed Forces is 15, 13 with parential consent.

Politics of Trygistania

The D.R.T. is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.

Branches of Governmnet

The D.R.T. just like the United States has three branches of Government. Executive, Legislative and Judicial.


Finally, the consituion. The constituion is comprised of basic human rights, educational, and woman rights. Freedom of religon and speech. Freedom to Expression, and will. And, Freedom of Thought. D.R.T has very strict gun laws, this is to protect the Trygistanian people from people who might not have the mental capacity. Firearms are a restrective right, as of November 16th, 2021, the President has Signed the contrvesial, "Firearms Inberment Act of 2021."