Des Plaines Valley Sector

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Des Plaines Valley Sector
Flag of the Des Plaines Union.
General information
LocatedChicago, specifically the area along the Des Plaines River from River Forest to Park Ridge.
Total population of sector300 (Estimate, most citizens are animals)
Total area of sector8 Sq. Km
Sector foundedFounded in May 2019 on creation of MUSAW
Nations in area
Organisations in areaDes Plaines Union[a]
Cupertino Alliance
Notable people in areaCole Baird
Vladimir Baruh
Edward Oaches
Jack O’rav
Samuel the Great

The Des Plaines Valley Sector is an area with an high density of micronations. The most known widely known micronations in the Microwiki sector are the Federal Union of Wegmat and formally the Empire of New Germany. The region is made up of western suburbs of Chicago and several forest regions. The western border of the influence area is the Des Plaines River made up of floodplain woods. 6 other micronations are in the area, Rodentia, the Chaveleir Union, the Holy Republic of FRID, Bench, New South Africa and New Macedonia.

The area was formally in a state of conflict known as the Great Des Plaines Valley War between the left-wing leaning nations and 2 fascist allies.

On August 18, 2021, the Assembly of Chicagoland Micronations was created. Overtime, the Des Plaines Valley Sector would be reorganized into the ACM.

See also



  1. The DPU has been de facto dissolved before the outbreak of the War.