Elarian federal elections, November 2022

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November 2022 Chancellery Election

17 November - 21 November 2022

17 November - 20 November (Presidential)

17 November - 21 November (Chancellery elections, run-offs)
Candidate Hunter Kieran Caiden Warren Noah Robinson
Party Industrial Party of Ela Independent Independent
Home state Doyle Doyle Doyle

Candidate Wyatt Harold Shawn West
Party Independent Independent
Home state Doyle Doyle
November 2022 Presidential Election

20 November 2022
Candidate Noah Robinson Ian Clark Corbin Olivier
Home state Doyle Alaria Doyle

Candidate Andrew Perdomo
Party CDP-SoW!
Home state Shana

The Elarian federal elections held in November 2022 were the first federal elections of the Empire of Ela'r'oech since it had reformed into the Holy Elarian Empire, with Ranaism as it's official religion. Elected offices for this election are the Chancellery and Presidency. Incumbent Prime Minister of Ela'r'oech, Anthony Ramirez has stated his intention to not run in the federal elections, choosing to remain as a Representative-Member of Parliament for the federal province of Alaria. As of 16 November, two candidates - Hunter Kieran and Caiden Warren - have expressed their intentions to run for the Chancellery. There have been no possible candidates listed for the Presidency. On 17 November 2022, Noah Robinson declared his candidacy to all available offices. This would include Chancellor, President, and Representative-Member of Parliament for the Doyle territory. On the same day, Corbin Olivier would declare his candidacy for the Presidency. Finally, Andrew Perdomo would announce his candidacy for the Presidency on the same day.

There have been debates regarding the election, all of which have been moderated by the Emperor. Many candidates who have not been involved in the debates have drafted campaign promises and agendas, such as Perdomo's, "Andrew Perdomo Campaign Statement I."



In order to become a candidate, a nomination form must first be completed, stating full name, micronational address, party affiliation and signature, and returned to the current Head of Election Committee; they become a candidate as soon as the Committee declares their nomination valid. The Election Committee is required to make nomination forms available as soon as possible after an election is called. Candidates may withdraw at any time before the elections.

All candidates standing in federal elections must be over the age of 15.

Candidate eligibility

You cannot run for public office in Ela'r'oech if you are a convict, felon, terrorist, or spy in the nation. Additionally, all previous Prime Ministers of the nation and those representing an executive public office in the previous incarnation of the Empire of Ela'r'oech are eligible to run for any public office which will be elected in the federal elections.

Campaign issues


Following the start of the 2022 Bayou recession, the economy of the nation will likely be a hotly debated topic. As of November 2022, a poll from ENS shows that upwards of 80% of local Elarians and Alarians are concerned with the economy and wish to have a chancellor - and president - who will tackle issues such as the economy.

Role of the Emperor

Following the ratification of the constitution of the Holy Elarian Empire, the position and role of the Emperor shall be a hotly debated topic. Many local Elarians have expressed concern in regards to the role of the Emperor, whether or not it shall become ceremonial or remain as a Head of State, post-ratification of the constitution of the Holy Elarian Empire.

Crime and the military

The military, law enforcement, and their role will be a hot topic in the federal elections. Candidate Hunter Kieran has expressed his wish to not only start a military for the Holy Elarian Empire, but to become General. As it stands, the Holy Elarian Empire and Empire of Ela'r'oech do not in any way share a military and the Holy Elarian Empire holds no military at this point.


Campaigns for the elections often included simply telling friends or political allies to vote for them, advertising their campaign in the national political forum, or simply using the debates as a way to get their names out there.


Wyatt Harold would choose Noah Robinson as his personal pick for President, solidifying their campaigns together, inadvertently. Both candidates have campaigned using the debates exclusively, however Harold is well-known in the Doyle territory and so that has helped their campaign naturally.

Other candidates

Other candidates have been campaigning on their own exclusively, mostly using the debates to get out there or simply releasing campaign statements, as in the case of Andrew Perdomo.


Chancellery elections

Declared candidates

Hunter Kieran, Head and Founder of the Industrial Party of Ela['r'oech].

Noah Robinson, local Elarian, historian, swordsman.

Shawn West, micronational historian, interviewer.

Declared intent to run

Caiden Warren, member of the House of Madgett, software engineer.

Wyatt Harold, local Elarian, former Elarian Prime Minister candidate.

Publicly expressed interest in running

Elijah Falcon, student.

Presidential elections

Declared candidates

Corbin Olivier, student.

Andrew Perdomo, Former Prime Minister, Former Minister of the Treasury.

Ian Clark, local Elarian, member of the First Constitutional Convention.

Declared intent to run

Noah Robinson, local Elarian, historian, swordsman.

Publicly expressed interest in running


There were multiple territories in the Empire which would vote early. These territories included Hezron, Alaria, and Doyle. Hezron and Alaria would have early voting on 17 November 2022, with Doyle having early voting the same day. More than 20 votes were cast by those in Alaria and Hezron, with many speculating that around 5 to 10 votes will be received from Doyle.

FEC's Election Map as of 2:05 PM Elarian Standard Time, showing Ela'r'o is yet to close voting polls.
ENS' Election Map as of 2:05 PM Elarian Standard Time, calling Noah Robinson for Ela'r'o.

Election calls

ENS would call early votes in Hezron and Alaria to go to Wyatt Harold and Shawn West, respectively. They also commented on Doyle's local elections.
ENS would be the major news network which would call certain elections. Although the Elarian Federal Election Committee did release an election map of their own, ENS would frequently call territories to candidates before they were finalized.

The FEC would officially declare after run-offs on 21 November 2022, that Shawn West had won the Chancellery elections. The FEC would officially declare on 21 November 2022, that Andrew Perdomo has won the Presidential elections.


Chancellery elections

Name Party Wing Electoral votes Popular vote (Percentage estimate)
Shawn West Independent Traditional Wing 24/36 (66%) 45.32%
Wyatt Harold Independent Traditional Wing 6/36 (33%) 32.78%
Noah Robinson Independent Traditional Wing 6/36 (33%) 10.2%
Hunter Kieran Industrialist Party of Ela Traditional Wing 0/36 10.4%
Caiden Warren Independent Forward Wing 0/36 1.3%

Presidential elections

Results of Elarian presidential elections, November 2022 by popular vote
Andrew Perdomo
Noah Robinson
Corbin Olivier
Ian Clark