Empire of Aenopia/We

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Ymerodraeth of Aenopia
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Flag of Empire of Aenopia/We
Coat of arms of Empire of Aenopia/We
Coat of arms
Buddugoliaeth, Neu Farwolaeth
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Anthem: "Gustav Holst- Jupiter" (orchestral)
CapitalAberdare Newydd
Largest cityWhite (by land area)
Aberdare Newydd (by population)
Official languagesSaesneg, Cymru, Ffrangeg
State Atheism
State Bobism
LegislatureLwyr y Aenopia
Establishment1 July 2019
CurrencyPunt Sterling
Aenopian Drudwy
Time zoneAMT: Aenopian Amser cymedrig (40 Munudau o flaen GMT)

Mae 'Ymerodraeth Aenopia' , a elwir yn swyddogol yn 'Ymerodraeth Aenopia a'i Dibyniaethau' ac y cyfeirir ati'n aml fel 'Aenopia' , yn endid tiriogaethol ymreolaethol sy'n honni ei fod yn sofran nodwch fodd bynnag cyfeirir ato'n fwy cyffredin fel micronation i fwyafrif y bobl. Wedi'i sefydlu yn macronation Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr (y cyfeirir ati'n gyffredin gan lawer fel y DU), datganodd Aenopia annibyniaeth ar 1 Gorffennaf 2019 o'r endid hwnnw. Mae'r genedl yn cynnwys 5 tiriogaeth enclave anghysylltiol wedi'u hamgylchynu gan siroedd Gorllewin Swydd Efrog, Swydd Derby a Swydd Amwythig yn y Y Deyrnas Unedig. Rhennir yr Ymerodraeth yn ddwy brif ran: 'Gogledd Aenopia' (Sy'n cynnwys Tiriogaethau Aberdâr Newydd Fwyaf, Blaenau Novae a New Llandudno ac Is-gwmnïau) a 'De Aenopia' (Sy'n cynnwys tiriogaethau Aenopian Calver ac Aenopian Teme). Ymdrinnir â dibyniaethau ac arglwyddiaethau o dan 3edd adran fân 'o'r enw' Ei Dibyniaethau '.

Mae'r wladwriaeth sofran yn cael ei rheoli gan ymerawdwr o dan frenhiniaeth absoliwt. Oherwydd diffyg cydnabyddiaeth gan bob un o'r 196 o aelod-genhedloedd yr U.N a 2 wlad sy'n arsylwi, mae sofraniaeth Aenopia yn aml yn cael ei chwestiynu, a dyna'r rheswm am Aenopia sy'n cynnal teitl micronation.

Etymology and terminology

Credir bod tarddiad yr enw Aenopia wedi dod o lythyrau ar hap yn cael eu taflu at ei gilydd gan Simon I ei hun. Enwir aneddiadau ar ôl trefi a dinasoedd Cymru, fel arfer gyda'r rhagddodiad 'Newydd' yn cael ei ychwanegu at y dechrau. Eithrir y rheol hon gan Port Machyllneth, sy'n cynnwys 'Port' fel Rhagddodiad, a dinasoedd White a Sough, sydd ill dau wedi'u henwi ar ôl yr ardal leol.

'Aenopian' yw'r demonym swyddogol a ddefnyddir i ddisgrifio rhywbeth sy'n perthyn i Aenopia, dyma'r cythraul i rywun o Aenopia hefyd.

Yn dechnegol, gall 'Aenopia' gyfeirio at yr Ymerodraeth gyfan, neu at dalaith sofran Aenopia, nad yw'n cynnwys y tiriogaethau na'r adrannau; mae gwahaniaeth bach rhwng y ddau. 'Aenopia' hefyd yw'r enw ar gyfer Ymerodraeth Aenopia, a ddefnyddir yn aml gan genhedloedd eraill mewn trafodaethau anffurfiol a rhwyddineb cyfathrebu.

Flag Origin

The origin of Aenopia's flag, seen as an artist's impression of the operator's new trains. Credit:TPE

Dyluniwyd y faner i ddechrau yn ystod camau cynllunio Aenopia pan oedd yn Ffederasiwn. Daw'r dyluniad gan Weithredydd Trên Prydain Transpennine Express, gweithredwr trenau rhanbarthol sy'n rhedeg gwasanaethau ledled Gogledd Lloegr a weithredir gan FirstGroup.

Mae dyluniadau'r faner ar gyfer y 3 thiriogaeth wreiddiol fel arfer yn dilyn streipen i lawr y canol, heb unrhyw gysylltiad uniongyrchol ag unrhyw beth, yn wahanol i'r brif faner. Mae baneri Aenopia Ôl-Ddatblygu ar gyfer tiriogaethau fel Greater New Aberdâr yn tueddu i ddilyn dull mwy dull rhydd heb y manylebau penodol. Mae hyn yn golygu y gellir creu dyluniadau mwy amrywiol, sydd yn ei dro yn creu cenedl fwy lliwgar a bywiog o ran symbolau cenedlaethol.


Er mai dim ond am gyfnod byr o amser y mae Aenopia wedi bodoli o'i gymharu â chenhedloedd eraill, mae llawer o bethau wedi digwydd yn ystod bodolaeth y genedl. Er mwyn ei gwneud hi'n haws didoli trwy rannau o amser, mae hanes Aenopian wedi'i gategoreiddio'n adrannau.

Y Dechrau

A map of Aenopian Calver, showing off the cities of White and Sough. between the cities is Aenopian Plushunia

Ffurfiwyd Aenopia ar 1 Gorffennaf 2019 o dan yr enw 'Ffederasiwn Aenopia'. Fodd bynnag, dim ond ychydig oriau a basiwyd cyn bod trafodaethau ar y gweill gyda James Ellis o Ymerodraeth Emosia i ddod yn arglwyddiaeth. Yn dilyn hyn, llofnodwyd cytundeb rhwng y ddau arweinydd a daeth yr Ymerawdwr Simon I yn 'Llywodraethwr' a daeth y genedl ifanc yn arglwyddiaeth fel y cyfryw.

Yn dilyn hyn, dechreuodd Aenopia ddatblygu cyfres o rocedi, a'r cyntaf oedd roced matsis syml o'r enw Nova I. Rhoddwyd cynnig ar 2 lansiad i gyd, gyda'r ddau yn gorffen yn fethiant. Y bwriad oedd i'r roced gael ei hailosod fel 'taflegryn' yn y lluoedd arfog unwaith y bydd ei ddefnyddiau gwyddonol wedi'i gwblhau, fodd bynnag, gwrthodwyd y syniad hwn oherwydd ei fod yn hurt. Ynghyd â hyn, sefydlwyd Gweinyddiaeth Awyrenneg Aenopaidd (AAA). Roedd hyn yn cynnwys archwilio'r gofod a datblygu a phrofi technoleg hedfan newydd.

Annibyniaeth a Thwf Cyflym

Ar 15 Awst 2019, enillodd Aenopia annibyniaeth o’r diwedd o Ymerodraeth Emosia bron i fis ar ôl dangos diddordeb yn y cyfryw. Ar y pwynt hwn, daeth symudiad rhydd rhwng y ddwy wlad i ben, a dirymwyd yr holl Aenopiaid â dinasyddiaeth Emosiaidd ddeuol. Ar ôl y tro sydyn hwn o ddigwyddiadau, dechreuodd Aenopia ehangu, gydag ynys fach wedi'i lleoli yn yr River Teme ac ardal laswelltog fach yn yr Peak District ger yr honnodd tref fach Brydeinig Grindleford, Swydd Derby ym mis Gorffennaf 2019. Daeth Simon I hefyd yn Llywodraethwr Aenopian Plushunia ac yn Arglwydd tiriogaeth Astropolis, gyda'r cyntaf wedi'i leoli o fewn tiriogaeth Aenopaidd Aenopian Calver a'r olaf wedi'i lleoli yn Efrog Newydd, UDA. Rhyddhawyd hwn yn ddiweddarach yn dilyn anactifedd yn Astropolis.

Yn ystod yr amser hwn, roedd Aenopia yn gweithio'n fewnol i adeiladu Aenopia High-Speed: llinell gyflym i weithredu yn ninas New Aberdâr gyda'r bwriad o agor ar 1 Medi 2019. Fodd bynnag, gohiriwyd y lansiad erbyn 3 mis yn ddyledus i'r prosiect redeg yn ddifrifol ar ei hôl hi, gyda sgyrsiau am dorri'r cyllid oherwydd y swm hurt o arian sy'n mynd i mewn i'r prosiect a gymerwyd gan adrannau eraill. Yn ystod yr amser hwn, ehangodd cyfathrebu â chenhedloedd eraill yn gyflym, gyda chysylltiadau Diplomyddol yn dechrau gyda chenhedloedd eraill bob wythnos. Erbyn mis Tachwedd 2019, dechreuodd Aenopia setlo i lawr ac arafodd y datblygiad. Gwelir hyn fel diwedd y cyfnod hwn o Hanes Aenopaidd.

Anheddiad a Datblygu Economaidd

Yn ystod mis Tachwedd 2019, gostyngodd y datblygiad. Parhaodd y cyfathrebu â chenhedloedd eraill i gynyddu, ar ôl cael ei dderbyn i'r Grand United Micronational (GUM) fel cenedl Sylwedydd. Yn ystod yr amser hwn, atodwyd Greater New Aberdâr, gan gynyddu nifer y dinasyddion i 6. Yn dilyn yr anecsiad hwn, penderfynwyd dirymu statws Cyfalaf New Llandudno ac yn hytrach ei roi i ddinas newydd Aberdâr Newydd. Roedd hyn yn golygu y gallai cynhyrchu ddechrau yn y brifddinas. Ar ôl y trosglwyddiad hwn, awdurdododd yr Ymerawdwr greu 3 chwmni cynhyrchu o fewn y cwmni; AREL, Marco a Vulzerstein.

Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, daeth y tir i ben. Ceisiwyd atodi poced fach o dir mewn coedwig ger tref Spa Ilkley o'r enw 'Blaenau Novae', atodwyd y tir yn ddiseremoni ym mis Rhagfyr 2019. Fodd bynnag, cafodd yr hawliad ei olygu. ychydig ddyddiau yn ddiweddarach. Mae'r rheswm dros ildio'r hawliad yn aneglur, gan gredu bod mynediad yn rhy anodd i orfodi'r hawliad. Yn dilyn hyn, neilltuwyd y faner a fwriadwyd ar gyfer y diriogaeth yn lle Aenopian Teme i ddisodli'r faner flaenorol.

Y Ddeddf Diwygio

Yn dilyn beirniadaeth gan rai Micronationalists yn cyfeirio at Aenopia fel 'High Simulationist' oherwydd ei hanes, penderfynodd Ei Uchelder Brenhinol Simon I gyhoeddi 'The Reform Act'. Yn cynnwys dogfen a oedd yn cynnwys 26 erthygl a'r prif amcan oedd gwella sefyllfa wleidyddol fewnol ac allanol Aenopia, roedd cynnwys y ddogfen yn amrywio o ddiweddaru'r Symbolau Cenedlaethol (Amnewid y faner a'r anthem Genedlaethol a chael Arfbais) i ffurfio Senedd Aenopia a system gyfreithiol.


Aenopia within the United Kingdom

Cyfanswm arwynebedd Ymerodraeth Aenopia yw oddeutu 14,140m² (3.494 erw). Mae gan Aenopia un diriogaeth ym mhob sir ym Mhrydain, a'r rhain yw: New Llandudno ac Is-gwmnïau a Greater New Aberdare yn West Yorkshire, Aenopian Calver yn Derbyshire ac Aenopian Teme yn Swydd Amwythig

Mae'r rhan fwyaf o Aenopia yn laswelltir gwag, gydag o leiaf 28% wedi'i orchuddio â choed. Mae'r tir yn wastad ar y cyfan ac nid oes ganddo nodweddion naturiol nodedig, ac eithrio Temen Aenopaidd sydd ar ben yr River Teme, a dyna'r enw. Daw mwyafrif helaeth arwyneb Aenopia o'r New Llandudno a'r Is-gwmnïau ac Aenopian Calver, sy'n cynnwys caeau mawr yn ogystal â rhai ardaloedd coediog o faint canolig, ac yn gyfan gwbl anghyfannedd.


Aenopia, like the rest of Great Britain, has a temperate climate. Temperatures are usually within a range of 2 °C - 7 °C in winter but can drop as low as -11 °C. In summer, the average temperature range is 12 °C - 21 °C, but can rarely reach as high as 33 °C. Winters are characterized by rain and, in recent years, large downfalls of snow. Summers are warm and humid with occasional heavy rainstorms, however, there are usually only about one or two thunderstorms per year.[1] The record temperature recorded in Aenopia is 40.2 °C in New Llandudno, however, the accuracy of such is often questioned.

Weather in New Aberdare Graph

Average Weather in New Aberdare
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Average maximum temperature
°C (°F)
Average minimum temperature
°C (°F)
54.2 74.3 107.6 155.2 190.6 182.6 193.5 182.5 137.2 103.1 64.5 47.3 1492.7
mm (inches)
Rainfall ≥ 1 mm
13.2 10.4 11.5 10.4 9.9 9.6 9.5 9.9 9.9 12.6 13.1 12.7 132.8
Source: United Kingdom Met Office[2] (1981–2010 averages), via Wikipedia


The Empire of Aenopia is made up of its home region or 'country', simply called Aenopia, and its colonies and territories. This is commonly located in New Aberdare, the new capital of Aenopia due to its location. The country plays an important role in the administration of the Empire due to the ease of control. Finally, The country also has a position of nobility attached to it, however, this position is part of the Monarchy.

The next level of administration is Regions. The country of Aenopia contains two regions: Northern Aenopia, situated in West Yorkshire, and Southern Aenopia, situated in Shropshire and Derbyshire. The nobility attached to regions are known as Presidents. They have little power over their regions other than the ability to appoint the Governors of the provinces within the region. They also appoint councilors to the region's council. This has a larger amount of autonomy than the President, however, does not have more autonomy than the Emperor himself.

Colonies are autonomous, inhabited areas of land outside the country of Aenopia. Currently, there are no colonies outside of Aenopia, however Aenopian Plushunia is a Plushunian Crown Dependency which is located between the cities of White and Sough within the territory of Aenopian Calver.[3]


Provinces of Aenopia
Name Area (m²) Establishment Capital Ruler Counties
Northern Aenopia 414m² 1 July 2019 New Aberdare HRH Emperor Simon I
Southern Aenopia 567m² 4 August 2019 Machynlleth Upon Teme HRH Emperor Simon I
Her Dependencies 56m² 3 August 2019 White (De facto) HRH Simon I


Provinces of Aenopia
Flag Name Area (m²) Establishment Capital Ruler
Greater New Aberdare 37m² 26 August 2019 New Aberdare HRH Emperor Simon I
New Llandudno and Subsidiaries 377m² 1 July 2019 New Llandudno HRH Emperor Simon I
Aenopian Calver 297m² 25 July 2019 White HRH Emperor Simon I
Aenopian Teme 269m² 3 August 2019 Machynlleth Upon Teme HRH Emperor Simon I


Dependencies of Aenopia
flag Name Area (m²) Establishment Capital Governor
Aenopian Plushunia 57m² 4 August 2019 White (De Facto) HRH Emperor Simon I


Aenopia does not have a significant military, however, that is mostly compensated by the active development of an air force. Simom I said that 'There is no point in a standing military when most of your claims are spread across Britain and you're supposed to be a peaceful nation. Having a standing Military will only agitate nearby states.' Aenopia does, however, have a Reserve Army, for which all healthy male citizens (This mostly being residents) are automatically drafted into a reserve Army as part of the Constitution.

The Aenopian Navy does have a Destroyer-Class Vessel (TES Conqueror) under construction, however, delivery is delayed for undisclosed reasons. This is scheduled to be delivered in 2020. Currently, 2 Devastator class warships are being built by Marco with a planned delivery date of early 2020.[4] These will be nearly identical to ease service and will be Aenopian Teme - compliant for a potential future Canal through the territory.

Name Year Entered
into Service
base assignment Photo Notes
hubsan x4 h107c 2019 New Llandudno Air Force Base Currently in short term storage due to problems during takeoff.
BAE Systems Hawk 2019 New Llandudno Air Force Base Damaged during delivery to New Llandundo Air Force Base, to be converted to Awyren 5 Headhunter Prototype
North American Mustang MK2 2019 New Llandudno Air Force Base Built as a temporary addition for short unarmed flights until a permanent addition is built. Set to be preserved.


Aenopia is an absolute monarchy, with full power being granted to the Crown. This negates the requirements for a Parliamentary system, MPs and Political parties despite the presence of the Aenopian Independence Party (AIP). Control of the nation is as a result, hereditary.

HRH Emperor Simon I is the head of the state as the Monarch and holds all executive, legislative, and judicial powers. He can not be held responsible to any members of the government as it is an Absolute monarchy, under his ruling. The Monarch has the absolute power to create and dissolve a Parliament at will, this can be implemented if the Crown requires support during a period of time.

Due to Aenopia's Governmental situation, there is only 1 Political party as a result. Aenopian Independence Party (AIP for short) was formed in July 2019 following Aenopia's subsequent Dominionship with the Empire of Emosia. AIP advocated for Aenopian Independence following this annexation, for which resulted in Independence 1 month later. The party wasn't dissolved, however, and instead advocates for a Parliament and an end to the Absolute Monarchy.



Aenopia's primary currency is the British pound sterling (symbol: £). This allows for the ease of trade between other British micronations and also serves as a temporary measure until an Aenopian currency (currently under development) can enter circulation. This will be partially phased out in 2020 following the introduction of the Starling, however, will be retained for external trading.

The nation does have its own exclusive currency under development, however. The Starling (symbol: S£) will be used to trade for Aenopian goods only, such as postage stamps. S£1 will be traded at New Aberdare Postal Office for £0.53 in order to purchase certain goods which will be only tradeable with Starlings. Test printing of the first articles is hoped for February 2020, with initial circulation beginning in mid-2020. Full circulation is planned by 2021 when internal trading with the Pound Sterling will partially cease.

Imports and Exports

An example of a Macronational wind turbine. A hugely downsized version roughly 1m tall is planned to be built in Greater New Aberdare

Aenopia currently doesn't export any produce, however, does produce consumables (such as fruit and vegetables) and Transportation systems (Aircraft, ships and railway locomotives/rolling stock) on behalf of New Aberdare Construction Ltd. Greater New Aberdare is the economic center of Aenopia, with 100% of Aenopian products being produced within the Capital. Media is also produced within the territory, in the form of a national Newspaper. The Aenopian Hour, a state-run Newspaper intended to keep the population and more importantly, the wider Micronational community alerted to anything happening within Aenopia, is produced by HRH Simon I himself weekly.[5]

Aenopia currently imports all its requirements, such as consumables, electricity and other items. Plans for renewable sources of energy generation (primarily wind power) are being developed, with the intention to develop at least 8% of Greater New Aberdare's energy requirements by 2023. This plan is, however, still under development. This will see a wind turbine erected near the UK-Aenopia border for the territory, which will be used to provide a fraction of the power required for New Aberdare.

Post Office

Aenopia has a small Postal Service which handles the shipping of letters and postcards within the territory of Greater New Aberdare and to other Micronations. The Postal Service is also responsible for producing Aenopian Postage stamps which can be used within Aenopia and the only such registered stamps to be used on Internal shipping. Mail is handled at New Aberdare Post Office, where it is sorted and distributed to the right areas.

New Aberdare Post Office is also responsible for the legal distribution of Aenopian Starling, for which £0.53 can be exchanged for S£1, which can be traded for Aenopian goods. This service is currently unavailable whilst the Starling is developed and enters into full circulation.[6]

2019/2020 series

The first series of the Aenopian Postal Service stamps was created on 14 December 2019 and was designed by HM Simon I, and test printed in New Aberdare the same day. This is the main series of stamps. These stamps follow the principle of having an image of a British train instead of usual stamps which feature a portrait of the ruler or a symbol of the nation. This comes from The Emperor's interest in Britain's railways, and Aenopia's connections to the railway.

Countries recognized by Aenopia with no relations

Aenopia actively engages in formal and informal Diplomacy with other nations, for which are formally conducted by the Crown. The nation has signed formal documents with 10 other sovereign states, and recognizes the existence of 10 other nations, without the signing of Treaties to legally bind this.

Recognised states; no foreign relations

Aenopia recognizes the Sovereignty of these states, however, has not engaged in formal diplomacy. Recognition is also given to all members and observers of the now-defunct North Atlantic Defence Union. Recognition of these Sovereign states does not equate to diplomacy including the signing of formal documents.

Full foreign relations

Aenopia formally recognizes the Sovereignty of these states, via the signing of formal documents. This regulates the recognition of the Government of each state; Mutual Sovereignty and claimed territories of each nation.

International organisation participation

Aenopia was a member of the Organisation of Active Micronations (New Eiffel Union), which at the time of dissolution has 44 member states and 7 observers. However, Aenopia left along with others due to issues regarding the organization. Aenopia is currently a Full Member of the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM for short) following 1 month of Observership in the Organisation.


The Mark 4a Sleeper designed by New Aberdare Rail Systems

Aenopian transport is often the primary focus of the state, with a road route spreading across New Llandudno and Subsidiaries. The city of New Aberdare is also the hub for the development and production of aircraft, ships and railway rolling stock by the likes of AREL, Marco and Vulderswaazen. Currently, there are no airports within the nation, however, plans for a joint Airforce base and Airport within close proximity to New Llandudno are under development.

Aenopia did have a high-speed line in the inhabited territory of New Aberdare which was scheduled to be opened in September 2019. The franchise to operate the service was won by Tollóuse: an Aenopian railway operator. It was expected that a new fleet of trains was to be introduced in 2020. However, in December 2019, it was announced that Government funding for the project would be cut following months of setbacks and delays.[9] The line was pulled up and the rolling stock was dismantled.

New Llandudno and Subsidiaries is the host of Aenopia's only Motorway, in the form of AM-01. At 65 m (213 ft) long, the road connects the UK-Aenopia Border Bridge to New Llandudno Junction and the Western border of the territory. It was opened on 21 January 2020 in a formal ceremony by HRH Simon I[10] (albeit with a non-existent crowd). Following this, SR-02 is scheduled to be commissioned, which will connect New Llandudno Square with the planned site of New Llandudno Joint Airfield.


Aenopia follows the basic principles of Western Culture due to its geographical location in the world and subsequently, its population. Some Christian holidays which have become embedded into Western society (Christmas, Easter, ect.) are recognized by the population as National Holidays and as a result, celebrated. However, the Crown does not recognize these holidays as such, primarily due to their position as Religious holidays focusing on a certain event.


English is the most commonly spoken language in Aenopia, known and used daily by the entirety of the population. English is the only language used for government business, although some Welsh is rarely used for more ceremonial occasions. The nation also accepts Welsh as a national language, however, it is unknown whether the population actually speaks Welsh.

French has been adopted as the Official Symbolic language of New Llandudno and Subsidiaries, and so as a result is utilised in signage amongst other things. It is not the official language of the Territory, however, due to an absence of French-speakers in Aenopia. An example of French being used within New Llandudno is the "Welcome to New Llandudno" road sign, for which the bilingual sign features both English and French on.


Religion in Aenopia

Aenopia is a very Atheism-based nation, for most of the population, following said beliefs with 40% of the population following Atheistic beliefs. However, a small religion called Bobism is also accepted by a few members of the population. This follows Bob the late fish, for which during its life was known to have eaten rocks and had regular seizures. 3 other nations support this religion, with only 15% of the population following this religion. Aenopia does not foster any places of worship, mainly due to the impracticality of such and the state's large atheist population compared to other faiths.

The Emperor himself promotes the religion of Bartholemewism, a religion that he and his friends created in early October 2019, when he wrote the name 'Bartholemew' on a sheet in his Spanish book in an attempt to fool their teacher into thinking there was a student named Bartholemew within his class. It focuses solely on Bartholemew and his prophets, and believes that if you have a good life, you go to One-Stop once you die; If you sin then you go to Aldi once you die.

Dishes and Cuisines

the national dish of Aenopia, Chips and bolognese.

Food is an important part of Aenopia, mainly because of Greater New Aberdare's farm which regularly produces Potatoes, Cucumbers, and Tomatoes every year. National dishes are usually dishes that Emperor Simon I likes, such as the Cornish Pasty. The National Dish of Aenopia is Chips and Bolognese, however, the Cornish Pasty remains a staple food within Northern Aenopia. The National drink is also Coffee, which is regularly consumed within the Capital.

The products for which make up National Dishes are often not produced within Aenopia, with the exception of Potatoes which are regularly farmed, but used in the creation of National Dishes. The products, or in some cases even the entire dish, is often sourced from Macronational shops. For example, the Chips in the main National Dish are solely sourced from a local Chip Shop within the United Kingdom.

List of public holidays

Date Holiday Remark
1 January New Year's Day Beginning of New Year.
15 January Reflection day To reflect on how glum and boring January is.
28 September National Talk like Mr Krabs Day Dedicated towards talking like Mr Krabs from Spongebob Squarepants
25 December Christmas Day Not officially recognised by The Emperor due to it being a religious holiday, however it's still celebrated by many people
26 December End of Christmas Celebrates the return of order and work to the Empire of Aenopia after the festive period has ended

External links
