Government of Beardmonkeya

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The current sitting government of Beardmonkeya, as decided by the people's decree on September 30, 2005.

The government may delegate new posts at will, by simple consent, as decided by the people's decree.



Full title: President, Supreme ruler and Founding Father of Beardmonkeya
Short title: President
Beard type: Full Beard
Chain of Command: First, ruler surpreme
Origin: Dallas, TX
Corresponding primate: Bearded Emperor Tamarin


Full title: Minister of Defence and Commander of the Beardmonkeyan forces
Other titles: General, Admiral
Short title: Defence Minister, General
Beard type: Goatee with chin-strap
Chain of Command: Second, acting Vice President
Origin: Chicago, IL
Corresponding primate: Vervet Monkey


Full title: Minister of Surveillance and Leader of the Secret Civil Service and Police
Other titles: Minister of Surveillance, the First Chief Director, Leader of the SCS
Short title: Chief
Beard type: Goatee
Chain of Command: Third, takes command if a coup should occur
Origin: Freeport, FL
Corresponding primate: Spectral Tarsier


Full title: High Pontifex of the Beardmonkeyan 2nd Chapter of the 1st Drunken Presbyterian Church of Witchita Falls, Texas
Other titles: Minister of Religion
Short title: High Pontifex
Beard type: Chin-strapped donut with chops
Chain of Command: Outside the chain, takes command in times of religious crisis
Origin: Anchorage, AK
Corresponding primate: Pongo Pygmaeus


Full title: Minister of Goofy Hats and Other Infrastructure
Other titles: Wearer of The Silly Hats, Leader of the Radical Rebellious Mountain Gorilla X.
Short title: Minister of Infrastructure
Beard type: Varies
Chain of Command: Outside the chain, takes command if Hell freezes over
Origin: Geronimo, OK
Corresponding primate: Mountain Gorilla


Full title: Minister of Sexual innuendo and family affairs (having them)
Other titles: N/A
Short title: Minister of Innuendo
Beard type: Skimpy
Chain of Command: Outside the chain
Origin: Boston, MA
Corresponding primate: Titi


Full title: Minister of Sports and anti-culture
Other titles: Sporty
Short title: Minister of Sports
Beard type: Soul Patch, ritch stubble
Chain of Command: Outside the chain
Origin: El Paso, CO
Corresponding primate: Colombian Woolly Monkey


Full title: Minister of Brewing, Agriculture and Horticulture
Other titles: N/A
Short title: Brewmeister
Beard type: Closely cropped, full
Chain of Command: Outside the chain
Origin: Halifax, VT
Corresponding primate: Cercopithecus wolfi


Full title: Minister of Digital Entertainment and Time-wasting
Other titles: N/A
Short title: Entertainer
Beard type: Goatee
Chain of Command: Outside the chain
Origin: Inglewood, CA
Corresponding primate: Pending