History of the State of Sandus

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The History of Sandus is one that has shaped the nation as it is today. In the beginning French culture began the state, however Roman culture began to permeate the nation before superseding the French culture as it was in the beginning of the state's independence. Today, a combination of many cultures and several past events have created a micro-culture for the state and its people.


The Grand Lamate of Sandefreistikhan seceded from la République de Trénois on 26 May 2009. The nation, during this time, was naïve of the functions of a state and its government and, though having three years prior experience in Trénois, a French, Native American and Tibetan-based micronation, the government's youth was depicted in its handling of various micronational and macronational incidents, one of them being the Neda War. Sandefreistikhan fought several wars during this time, including the Micronational War on Communism and the New Euro-Erusian War, thus narrowing its political ideology for what would become Sandus today. However, during this time, nearly all power was in the Grand Lama, though more power was delegated to the Politburo—the legislature—towards the end of its government's life. Sandefreistikhan, eventually, become a more Roman-based micronation, prompting a direct democracy to form in July 2009.

People's State of Sandus

The People's State of Sandus was that direct democratic state, founded in July 2009. It was a rather stable nation that was more based of Roman beliefs and ethics, and the first Sandum nation to adopt direct democracy. Its legislature was known as the National People's Congress and elected a Speaker of the House, who served as Executive and, during times of war, became the Dictator of Sandus. The position was only ever filled by Will Sörgel. However, after a day-long war with Pristinia, known as the Insola War, it became clear that various propaganda that Sandefreistikhan published during the New Euro-Erusian War would culminate in Sandus' wide-spread displeasure with certain members of the community, including Sandus' long time ally, Nemkhavia. This would later lead to pretences of a Civil War in November 2009, before the nation made a large, controversial change of government to a Barony.

Time of Troubles (2009)

In November 2009, the State began to self-destruct as the National People's Congress began to fall apart in its positions. A civil war broke out on 15 November 2009. The war lasted only 9 days and only one battle was fought, though it prompted Sandus consider major citizenship-control policies in the future. By 24 November, the nation had collapsed as the Dictator Will Sörgel assumed power in the absence of the rest of the National People's Congress members. The nation entered a short period of self-induced inactivity as it planned its next government.

Barony of Sandus

The Barony of Sandus' creation was some time after the civil war, and sometime before it was implemented. Sandus' momentous shift in policy under the creation of the Barony resulted in a short break down of relations with Sandus' premier ally, Erusia. On 21 December 2009, the Barony of Sandus was created, to the dismay and controversy of the community. However, by the end of the year, Sandus had grown to include its first citizen in the post-Civil War era. That citizen, Cameron Falby, decided to form the autonomous territory of New Scireland in January 2011. However, later that month, that same territory declared independence from Sandus, resulting in a controversial break-down of relations between Sandus and New Scireland and Sandus' difficult relations with several other nations, including Francisville and Landashir. By the end of the month, Sandus experienced a large growth of 3 citizens as the Baroness Consort and her family joined the nation and a détente between Sandus and Erusia was under-way. The problems with New Scireland would lead to months of reduced activity within Sandus, which would be even further emphasised by the departure of the Baroness Consort and her family from Sandus. These events would give rise to the April Political Revolution, where Sandus returned to its former political position and even returned farther Left than any past governments of Sandus.

New Scireland

The issues with New Scireland resulted in several harsh words to be exchanged, including the closest Sandus has ever been to a serious break down of relations to affect direct and indirect relations with the state. Sandus, at first, was not sure how to respond to the declaration of independence. Should Sandus try to restore New Scireland to the state, Sandus' relations with other nations may have been harmed and even more serious civil war may have been faught; however, if Sandus let New Scireland become independent, Sandus may be viewed as powerless to its own internal affairs. Baron Will Sörgel decided the latter, though he decided to bring Cameron Falby, the leader of New Scireland, to trial for treason. Falby accepted and the trial was under-way until the trial bogged down, before Sandus dropped the charges brought against Falby.

April Political Revolution

In April, the Baron abdicated in preference for a socialist republic. During this time, Sandus' first socialist constitution was drafted and the state became close allies with other socialist states, such as Erusia and Nemkhavia. This period of drafting the constitution would create the Democratic People's Republic of Sandus later in the month.

Democratic People's Republic of Sandus

The Democratic People's Republic of Sandus was Sandus' first hardline socialist state. It maintain very socialist policies, both domestic and foreign. The nation itself was subject to some controversy as it was a close ally of Erusia and both Will Sörgel and Robert Lethler where both allies and very close micronational friends. Sandus' government, however, consisted as a provisional measure until Sandus became larger and had a definite territory. It was consisted of a single chamber, the Revolutionary Council, and a higher tier of that chamber that served as the executives, the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Council. A Chairman of the Central Committee was elected, as well, who served as the nation's president. Sandus' political structure at the time caused a few laws to be passed and large amounts of public policy were carried out by the Central People's Government. However, it became difficult for the state to carry out its foreign policy, due to the Great Ideological Conflict.

Great Ideological Conflict

The Great Ideological Conflict was begun by the Intermicronational Conservative Alliance in April 2010. Sandus' socialist policy and culture prompted the state to respond to the ICA's "conflict against Communism". At first, Sandus was embattled in an ideological conflict with the ICA, and later Bradley of Dullahan. Despite most hostilities ending in June 2010, Sandus and the ICA member states were still at odds with each other, which prompted Sandus and several other socialist-bloc states to leave the OAM and, despite two of those socialist-bloc states rejoining the OAM, Sandus has refused to return to the OAM on any grounds. However, this time ended when Will Sörgel resigned as Chairman of the GUM, Erusia, Sandus' closest ally was disgraced, and Sörgel decided to order the destruction of the Democratic People's Republic of Sandus.

Kremlum Sandus

The Barony of Kremlum Sandus was created as a response to the destruction of Sandus. Its constitution was based of the Principality of Liechtenstein's and, although it created a government that was too large, it was one of Sandus' premier constitutions. And, because of Sandus' government becoming too large, this prompted the government to become inactive for a few months in the later parts of the 2010 year. However, it was during this time that Sandus' current national symbol, the Sovereign Eagle, became entrenched once more in the nation's symbolism and even became its own order. Along with this new order, Sandus began to expand and recreate its medal system to where it is today.

Post-Lethler Era

The Post Lethler Era is the time after Erusia was disgraced by an OAM report against him. It was a time of much uncertainty as the community was not sure of where to go or what to become. The community's very own state was on shaky terms as it ventured to three new sites and the administration expanded their power, all of which effected the foreign policy of Sandus.

Territory of Sandus, St.Charlie

The Territory of Sandus was created on 19 October 2010 after several months of inactivity from the Barony of Kremlum Sandus. The country at the time was proud and devoted to becoming more St.Charlian, however, after the first and only election of the governor of the territory, the country began to desire sovereignty once more and on 21 February 2011, Sandus declared independence from St.Charlie.

Time without a Government

Sandus began to create its new constitution by the means of the State Caucus that was set up in the Territorial Law, should Sandus have wished to return to being a sovereign state. The State Caucus was headed by Will Sörgel and was a provisional government. At first, a socialist republican constitution was created, however it was not ratified at the national referendum. Over the next few weeks, the Caucus decided if the state should become either a monarchy or a direct democratic state. This question was pushed to referendum, and the people unanimously chose monarchy. The new constitution was ratified on 13 April 2011.

State of Sandus

The State of Sandus was created on 13 April 2011, when the State Caucus ratified the new constitution. The first public policy enacted by the Sôgmô, Abenaki for chief, was to nationalise the national newspaper, Veritum Sandus, so that it became the national register of the nation as well. In April and May, Sandus was involved in diplomatic issues between itself and Zealandia where, eventually, the Sôgmô would create a policy of non-involvement. On 9 May, Sandus celebrated Remembrance Day and, on 26 May, Sandus celebrated its second anniversary. On 27 May 2011, the Sôgmô created the Collegio Sacerdae, Sandus' first cooperative, which is tasked with the education of philosophy, religion and politics in Sandus. By the intent of the law, the Collegio Sacerdae serves as Sandus' first and only centre of education. Currently, the Collegio Sacerdae is working on documenting a total collection of the Orphic Hymns and other sacred texts, as well as creating a code of the Sandum philosophy as it is commonly called. In the latter months of 2011, the Sôgmô created policies in foreign affairs so as to limit the State into an isolationist policy with its recognition and foreign communications. On 7 until 12 November, the Citizens' Communist Party of Sandus celebrated its first formal congress, which included hopes for a future constitution and more activity for the CCPS. The Sôgmô, as well, created the State's first major goal with the establishment of an agrarian economy in Sandus by 2015. The Sancta Calendar, which is based off both Gregorian and Romulan Calendars, was incorporated more into government as it superseded the Gregorian calendar in official capacities; the introduction of an 8-day administrative week also means that weekly goals are made by the Office of the Sôgmô.

However, with the departure of Blesbí from the State, the Sôgmô has declared hopes of a broad act to reconsolidate the Sandum state after Blesbí and its leader, André Sammut, leave the State formally on 20 March 2012. In his New Year's address, as well, the Sôgmô expressed hopes to begin work on a proto-agrarian economy for Sandus in the 2012 year as well as creating a broad law on citizenship, amending the Libera policy, drafting and enforcing new treaties in Foreign Affairs, reforming the Collegio Sacerdae to pursue academic research and discussion, and creating more cooperatives for the State such as the cooperativisation of the CCPS.

On the 3rd of January 2019, the Sôgmô released a long-awaited edition to the Constitutional Project, this first edition includes how the three branches of Sandum government work and the divisions of power, information on Sandus's command economy and its relationship with the Central People's Government (CPG), heir election process, and it also includes tables of Sandum Noble ranks, healdry, and decorations.