House Zannier

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House Zannier
"Leo non curat numerum"
CountryDecracy of Yunivers
TitlesLords of Vignetia
Protectors of the Hills (traditional)
Protectors of the Capitol (official)
Current headTitianus II
1125 (?)
Cadet branchesZannier of Borgo Traghetto
Zannier of Borgo Maremma
De Biasio

The House Zannier is one of the 5 great Houses of the Decracy of Yunivers, and is considered the most important, as the same way as a Royal House. Is one of the oldest families in the territory of Yunivers, and one of the few still alive. After the fall of the local lords, the Pinzon, the command was given by the Savorgnans of Venice to the House Zannier. The Zanniers are the lords of Vignetia.


The House is so described by the book "Il libro d'argento delle famiglie venete" (the silver book of the Venetian families), by Giovanni Dolcetti: Il cognome è una derivazione di Giovanni, Zaun, Zane, Zan, Zanus, è diffuso nel circondario di Pordenone; a Visinale nacque nella seconda metà del 1700 Perina Zanussi, madre di Comparetti GIovanni Battista. I membri della famiglia di Aviano, ricchi ed assai influenti, occuparono spesse volte la carica di Podestà; il primo fu nel 1500 Victor de Zannier; il secondo è Pasuto de Zannier nel 1533 al quale fu seguito Stefano nel 1577 e Matteo nel 1599. Questa famiglia esercitò per lungo tempo la farmaceutica; furono notai nella trivigiana ed a Udine. A Belluno sono specialmente ricordati in alcune pubblicazioni del secolo scorso; famiglia questa confermata nobile con Sovrana Risoluzione il 17 Ottobre 1822.
The last name is a derivation of Giovanni, Zaun, Zane, Zan, Zanus, is common in the district of Pordenone; in Visinale was born in the second half of 1700 Perina Zanussi, mother of Comparetti Giovanni Battista. Family members from Aviano, rich and very influential, often occupied the office of Lords, the first was in 1500 Victor de Zannier, the second is Pasuto de Zannier in 1533 which was followed bt Stefano in 1577 and Matthew in 1599. This family was for a long time in the pharmaceutical industry, were noticed in the Trevisan and Udine. In Belluno are especially remembered in some publications of the last century. Noble family confirmed with Sovereign Resolution in October 17, 1822.

In the Feud of Pinzon

During the Lordship of the House Pinzon, the Zannier was an important family, very rich and influent. After their fall, due to the war with the Savorgnan family, the House Zannier has managed with clever moves and with the help of the people to gain power. They exercised the power until the Savorgnan gave the castle and the surrounding lands to a Venetian family, and the people, then, founded a secret society known as the Brotherhood of St. Sebastian, led by the Family Zannier.


Since the foundation of Vilthia, family members have covered the following roles:

Members and succession

  • Giovanni of the Houze Zannier
    • Aldo Zannier
    • Lucia Zannier
      • Lorenzo De Biasio
  • Titianus II of the House Zannier
    • Alessandro Marcuzzi Zappi-Zannier
  • Claudio Zannier


The official arms of the House Zannier are so described in the Dizionario Storico Blasonico: Di rosso al Leono d'oro (Of red to the gold Lion).


The hymn of the House Zannier is Schiarazula Marazula(link). The hymn has been composed by Giorgio Mainerio in 1578, inspired by an already existing medieval melody. The original lyrics has been lost. The current words were written by the poet Domenico Zannier.