Law Enforcement in Wegmat

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Law enforcement in Wegmat is one of three major components of the criminal justice system of the Federal Union of Wegmat, along with courts and corrections. Each component is done by a Department/Ministry of Justice but two separate institutions exist. Law enforcement investigates and detains criminals, a court puts criminals to trial before criminal punishment is administered by the law enforcement agency in charge with some exceptions.

Law enforcement operates through governmental police agencies. It is illegal to operate a private law enforcement agency.

Types of police

Federal law enforcement

Federal agents of the WSPI and Ranger Service perform an arrest.

Most federal law enforcement agencies specialize in Weg ministry's protection and security. Others are used to patrol rural areas, although they have an unlimited jurisdiction.

Seal Name Mission Ministry Juridstiction
Wegmat Special Police and Investigation Investigate and enforce federal crimes, serve warrants and respond to events requiring military-like intervention. Ministry of Justice All of Wegmat
File:Wegmat Marshalls.jpg Wegmat Marshall's Service Protect federal courts and buildings, arrest fugitives, and provide prison guardianship. Ministry of Justice Federal courts, prisons, and consulates.
Wegmat Ranger Service Preform policing duties in rural Wegmat, specifically agriculture areas. Ministry of Agriculture All of Wegmat
Wegmat Mountain Patrol Policing and medical services in national park general areas. Environmental Ministry All of Wegmat
File:Wegmat Monetary Security agency.jpg Monetary Security Agency Protects properties and transports of the Weg National Bank. Ministry of Finance Federal reserves, bank locations, and transportation of money.
File:Wegmat Transit Police.jpg National Transit Police Protects highways, rail, sea and Weg Ways Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Transportation property and Weg Ways.
File:Wegmat Border Police.jpg Wegmat Border Police Patrols the border and operate border control and customs Ministry of Foreign Exchange Weg borders and port of entries

Provincial law enforcement

Provincial police carry out most policing duties in Wegmat. Provincial police departments are also responsible for guarding prisons and provincial buildings. Most provinces only have one law enforcement agency.

Seal Name City
Large Agencies
File:Bushwood Police.jpg Bushwood Police Department (BPD) Bushwood
File:Two Pine Police.jpg Two Pine Police Department (TPPD) Two Pine
File:Isadora Police.jpg Isadora Police Department (IPD) Isadora
File:Fort Jerome Police.jpg Fort Jerome Area Sherriff's Department Fort Jerome
File:Bodwatmi Police.jpg Bodwatmi Metropolitan Police Service (BMPS) Bodwatmi
File:Crystal Springs Police.jpg Crystal Springs Police Department (CSPD) Crystal Springs

Police duties

Police in Wegmat enforce crimes that would be charged as misdemeanors in the United States. Weg police are asked not to respond to crimes that would be felonies in the United State. Weg police mostly maintain order, assist communities and enforce acts that are illegal in Wegmat, but not in the United States.