Micronational World War

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Micronational World War (MWW) is a name given to a hypothetical large-scale intermicronational military conflict of micronations or micronational entities equivalent to that of the macronational World War I or II.[1]

Due to micronation's far proximities from one another, most warfare consists of video games, airsoft combat and 'hacking wars'. Some physical combat, usually civil wars, do take place, however physical combat on a large-scale may not be possible. Micronational warfare in itself is a controversial topic, and most 'wars' are waged jokingly and are often not taken seriously. There has never been a physical large-scale Micronational World War.


Wars which have been given the title include the aftermath of the Alakazanian War in 2014, the The Great Micronational War in 2023, the TOES-Almendria War in 2020.

In popular culture

In early 2017, a poll on the MicroWiki forums asked "Do you think that we're close to start[ing] a micronational world war?"; only 3 respondents answered "yes", while 18 responded with "no" and 7 with "what is this?" or a variation of it.[2]


  1. Skye, Zabëlle (18 October 2022). "Micronational World War". Micronational Dictionary. MicroLunarius Publications. Institute of Micropatriological Research. p. 12. Retrieved 7 November 2022.
  2. AlexostanPresident (21 April 2017), "micronational world war", MicroWiki Forums. Retreived 12 November 2020.