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Newwelland is a nation that was founded on April 8, 2018, when the current President at the time General drew the map of Newwelland. At the time Newwelland was only as large as one current state, it was a simple map but it made a point. The words of the Anthem reflect this "This was our start as we drew our map, only as far as the throw of a dart." During this time there was no central government or system of power, only an Idea that was sustained by the people.

The first flag was made sometime in the fall which consisted of a laurel wreath on a purple and yellow background. The year after was uneventful. Later, in August of 2019, a new flag was made which consisted of a red cross on a blue field and five stars in the canton which represented union and unity. After this, a simple government consisting of a primitive council was instituted. Laws and bills were passed and among these was the territorial expansion act of 2021.

The current flag of Newwelland
The original and first flag of Newwelland

Newwelland had grown already to 4 states, much bigger than the original 1 state. The act introduced 5 new states which were when the stars changed to represent 9 states. Now our flag has 9 stars. Earlier, on September 22, 2021, our official constitution was written which stated how the government should run and also respecting the rights of the citizens, it was approved and signed 3 days later by the Newwelland Congress. Our country is a constitutional republic which is the same as the United States. We pledge our allegiance to the United States of America before Newwelland but we find it necessary to have a form of governance in our region. Now with 9 states and 27.5 acres of territory, a Navy, Army, Infantry, and patriots, Newwelland has grown from the ground up and into a strong flourishing nation.



The Current flag of Newwelland consists of a red cross on a blue field with 9 stars in the canton with 1 star for each current state. The cross represents a crossroads between all things, it also represents our trust in God.

The naval ensign consists of 9 vertical stripes alternating blue and white with the flag of Storm Valley in the canton.


Tabs are the smalls unit of currency which make up the Newwelland shilling and the Newwelland dollar.

The shilling consists of 5 tabs.

The dollar consists of 10 tabs or 2 shillings.

Denominations of 1, 2, and 5 dollar bills are minted in the Claywell Mint of Newwelland.


The sangre River is the largest flowing body of water in Newwelland, it is located in Storm Valley and is fed into by Deer Creek. The Sangre River flows into Serenety Falls which is a state named after the falls located within which then flows into the Foggy or Fog Basin before leaving the borders of Newwelland.