People's State Assembly

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People's State Assembly

Assembleia Popular do Estado

Ljudesk' Azembleja-Staten
I Assembly

The People's State Assembly (In Portuguese: Assembleia Popular do Estado, in Koza: Ljudeska' Azembleja-Staten), abbreviated PSA, is the highest state body and the unicameral legislative house which rules the Kossian provinces of Peritia, Renu and Zenturick Alfa.

Powers and functions

The PSA has a collection of functions and powers, including electing the Burgomeisters and Mayors of the Provinces and Cities of the Federation of Koss. The assembly also approves the Governor of Koss.

Election and membership

The PSA consists of 4 delegates, one from each kossian province. Delegates to the People's State Assembly are elected for a six-month terms via a multi-tiered representative electoral system.

See also