Public Holidays in Albia

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A range Public Holidays are celebrated in the Kingdom of Albia.

National Holidays

National holidays are considered important as they celebrate national history and culture.

Date Name Remarks
12 June Monarchy Day Celebrating the Foundation of the Monarchy and the Kingdom
13 June Armed Forces Day Celebrating the Foundation of the Armed Forces of Albia

Religious Holidays

Religious holidays are considered important in the Kingdom as it's a Christian nation. However other religious holidays such as Passover and Ramadan are also recognised.

Date Name Remarks
29 September Michaelmas/St Michael's Day Celebrating Saint Michael, the Nation's Patron Saint
24 December Christmas Eve The Day Prior to the Birth of Christ
25 December Christmas Celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ

Other Holidays

Other holidays in Albia are recognised holidays in the kingdom that don't fall into other categories.

Date Name Remarks
1 January New Year's Day First Day of the New Year
31 December New Year's Eve Holiday Celebrating End of the Year

See also