Seal of Salanda

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Grand Seal of the Kingdom of Salanda

The Seal of Salanda also known as the Grand Seal of Salanda is the Kingdom of Salanda’s national seal, the Salanda National Seal front was completed on the 10th of February 2022 and is in the process of being digitalised and a reverse side is currently being commissioned.


The Exterior ring of the front of the Seal has on it. Liberty and Democracy on the left symbolising Salanda’s liberties and democratic principals after its transition to democracy and on the right; Freedom and Justice symbolising the Kingdom of Salanda’s freedom and its upholding of justice. On the top it had the name Salanda in capital text and on the bottom the date of the establishment of the Kingdom of Salanda; 22 June 2018.

The interior circle of the front of Seal of Salanda has pinkish-purple roses taken from the coat of arms representing beauty and royalty and two Salanda flags crossed over each other represent unity and brotherhood, on the top there are two doves symbolising peace placing a Star of David in between the two flags which represents the official religion of the Kingdom of Salanda; Judaism as well as it’s upholding. This was also taken from the coat of arms of Salanda.