State of Outer Alltgobhlach

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Founded June 2009 
Registered Inhabitants 1
Inhabitants (de facto) 0
Official language None (English, Taigh a Batan and Caran de facto)
Official currencies Taigh a Bata Dollar, British Pound
Jurisdiction Republic of Taigh a Bata

Outer Alltgobhlach was formed in June 2009, a few weeks after the Republic of Taigh a Bata was established. The former state bordered the Second Capital State of Taigh a Bata, the State of Western Alltgobhlach and the UK. It also has the only road in Taigh a Bata which is not a car park, which is currently being gravelised.

Outer Alltgobhlach became a county of Western Alltgobhlach on the 3rd of February 2012.