Thief taker army (Marquette)

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The Thief Taker Army of Marquette (TTAoM) is the highest level law enforcement in marquette, it is described in article seven of the Constitution of Marquette. They are divided into two parts the parish constabulary, and the hermanistic patrol.


The thief taker general is appointed by the prime minister. They appoint the chief constable and the head warden. Other than that they serve a primarily ceremonial role as leader of the thief taker army.

Parish constabularies

Most law enforcement is carried out by constables serving in regional constabularies. They are all led by a commissioner of the police who is appointed by the chief constable. Other than that organisation varies based on parishes, as the commissioner of the police has control over organisation and equipment.

Hermanistic patrol.

The hermanistic patrol is a force of road wardens assigned to take care of a stretch of road not exceeding 15 miles. They are armed with pistol caliber carbines. They are led by the head warden who is in charge of organization and equipment.

Etymology of "hermenistic"

hermanistic comes from the name of the greek god hermes, one of his many domains is god of the roads and travellers with the suffix "istic" meaning "of or pertaining to" so fully hermenistic patrol means "The patrol pertaining to the roads and travellers".

See also