Arklandik Confederation

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The Arklandik Confederation, also known as Arkland was a small micronation which was established on 6 July 2020 with currently only 1 citizen (that being the King). You can join the Arklandik Confederation once it is fully set up. The country is closely modelled on the Swiss Confederation with aspects of Malaysian monarchy embedded in the system as well. The nation was superseded by the Estror Republic on the 28th February 2021

Arklandik Federation

Although arkland is officially a confederation it could more accurately be described as a federation with cantons being the subdivision. The current subdivisions are

  1. Zandhiem Half canton
  2. Zandhiem city Half canton
  3. FreiHill Canton
  4. Inturlin Canton
  5. Inner sitiland canton

Arklandik Government

In arkland the national government is made up of the following institutions

  1. The monarch
  2. The Council of the monarchy
  3. The council of state
  4. The President
  5. The Parliament
  6. The Chancellor
  7. The prime minister

In arkland the monarch is chosen every month (from either of three dynasties) by the council of the monarchy which is made up of the head of those three dynasties. The council of the monarchy elects the President of the confederation and the council of state. The Chancellor is elected by the citizens of arkland every year and is a mostly ceremonial figure who’s job is to represent the people and the monarch on the national and international stage. The Parliament is a body made up of two houses, those being the senate (upper house) and the house of deputies (lower house), the senate has 1 member elected by the parliament of every canton and 1 member elected by the people of every canton And half canton as well as 1 member chosen by the president of the confederation and 1 by the monarch, whereas the house of deputies has between 8 and 32 members chosen by the people of arkland every 6 months, the president usually nominates the prime minister, the king then confirms the choice and then that person is prime minister as long as they are an MP and they maintain confidence of the parliament, the prime minister is one of the only roles held by a single person in arkland that isn’t mainly ceremonial. The jobs of the prime minister include setting the national budget, introducing new policies and laws and appointing ministers to head the cabinet positions in arkland

Arklandik Citizenship

At the moment arkland is ruled completely by the monarch as an absolute monarchy although the current monarch hopes to get the government up and running as soon as possible, if you are interested in joining arkland you can apply for “online citizenship” below. Online citizenship gives you all the benefits and responsibilities of residential citizenship of arkland except:

  1. Residency or right to enter arkland
  2. Obligation to pay tax (Although you may opt in to tax)
  3. right to claim monetary benefits (although if you have opted into tax you may be eligible)

Link to apply for online citizenship: Citizenship application

Link to apply for Residential citizenship (family and close friends of land holder only):

Online citizenship can be applied for free and can be granted by the monarch, the president, the chancellor or a secretary of one of those whereas residential citizenship costs £3 sototen pounds (equivalent of £3 GBP or about €3.30) (unless the charge is waved by the president) and must be granted by the monarch himself

Land joining arkland

The arklandik confederation allows other micronations to join the confederation as long as they meet the following criteria:

  1. They agree to become a canton or colony of arkland
  2. They agree that although there resident citizens will become resident citizens of arkland those citizens will still “‘Will not’” be allowed to enter any “‘Other’” part of arkland
  3. They agree that if they wish to split their territory into More than 2 cantons they will have to be Half cantons instead of full ones (meaning they only have 1 seat in the senate instead of 2)
  4. That if there territory becomes a canton or half canton they can leave the confederation at anytime but may have to pay a £2 leaving fee (for cantons) or a £1.20 leaving fee (for half cantons)
  5. that if there territory joins as a colony there is no Guarantee of them becoming a canton or half canton and that in order for a colony to leave the confederation they must agree to the leaving terms of the confederation, usually that they remain part of a commonwealth organisation and that they keep the monarch OR president of the confederation as there own for a set amount of time
  6. that they should adopt the sototen pound (who arkland is in currency union with) instead of or along side there current currency
  7. that they are obliged to pay a minimum membership fee of £4.00 per year
  8. that arkland law will apply on their land
  9. that they must be a democracy and they must have a system in line with that of other cantons (they may keep their monarchy if that’s the system although they may not interfere with politics)
  10. that they may continue to collect tax from citizens although the citizens must also pay federal tax and that the canton/Half canton must pay at least 4% of its tax revenue to the federation
  11. that their micronation will no longer be a sovereign nation but rather a canton within a sovereign nation and that in order to leave and become sovereign they must follow correct procedures (colonies are classed as sovereign nations and have a special relationship set out in the colonial charter between the colony and the federation)

The benefits to joining arkland are numerous and include the following:

  1. a stable government in a fun setting
  2. the ability to influence the politics of the nation and the other cantons
  3. ensuring the rights of your nation
  4. protection of your nation through the police (and military if we set one up in future) of arkland
  5. citizens rights to state monetary benefits (including pensions) set out in law of arkland
  6. the representation of your canton/half canton/colony in a wider group of cantons
  7. the ability to shape the destiny of your canton whilst also growing it
  8. the right of your citizens to have a arkland ID card and passport
  9. numerous job opportunities
  10. the right of your citizens to participate in government

Join here: Apply to be a canton or colony

Jobs in arkland

Online citizens can take the following jobs:

  1. police constable
  2. technical support
  3. tax collection
  4. Honorary Military member (subject to the military being established)
  5. Member of either house of Parliament (unless a citizen of colony)
  6. member of canton or half canton government
  7. President of the republic
  8. member of the council of state
  9. diplomat
  10. Prime minister
  11. chancellor
  12. local councillor
  13. mayor
  14. Online citizens ambassador to parliament
  15. Staff of arklandik private company (if it doesn’t require you to enter arkland)

Residential citizens can take the following jobs:

  1. Police constable
  2. Police Community support officer
  3. technical support
  4. tax collection
  5. Military member (subject to establishment)
  6. Member of either House of Parliament (unless a citizen of colony)
  7. member of canton or half canton government
  8. President of the republic
  9. member of the council of state
  10. diplomat
  11. prime minister
  12. chancellor
  13. monarch of canton
  14. monarch of the federation (if approved to be a dynasty by the current council of monarchs)
  15. Community ambassador
  16. staff of an arklandish private company

Arkland area

The area of arkland currently is VERY small and is enclaved within sitiland and sototen and can barely fit two people within it, this is why you cannot enter even if you are a citizen.

Arkland Federal police constabulary

The arkland federal police is a constabulary headed by the Federal Ministry for security. The Minister for security is in charge of the large decisions to do with the police, the minister chooses the Chief constable and deputy chief constables, the chief constable is the ambassador of the force whereas the deputies are responsible for recruiting, investigations and paperwork. The person who attests the new constables is either the chief constable, the minister for security, the monarch or the federal president. Constables have the power of arrest of citizens (inside and outside the federation) and anyone else within the country for offences, investigation of offences and other things. The Power of constables is set out in the Federal Policing Act 2020

Judiciary in arkland

All Judges must be sworn in and confirmed by the monarch, except magistrates who may be signed in by the monarch Or the minister for justice The Highest confederation courts in arkland are the following

  • The constitutional council
  • The constitutional court
  • The high court of arkland

The constitutional council is a council of 2-4 Untrained Magistrates chosen to be in the constitutional council by the federal president, they cannot get rid of laws due to them being unconstitutional, instead they should advise the monarch not to sign them into law if they are unconstitutional and if they are already law they may hear appeals and decide individual cases Based on constitutionality. The constitutional court is made up of 5 trained judges Appointed by the minister of justice and confirmed by the council of state, their job is to invalidate laws that violate the constitution The federal High court is made up of 3 judges (trained or untrained) appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate, their job is to interpret the LAW and NOT the constitution

The criminal courts at the lowest federal level in arkland are:

  • The magistrates court
  • The Bench and Judge court

The magistrates court has two magistrates appointed by the minister of security and scrutinised by the minister of justice, in a magistrates court the magistrates must both agree that the person is guilty in order to prosecute and then they must find a sentence and agree on it, if they cannot agree at all the lowest sentence applies. The magistrates cannot sentence to more than 30 minutes imprisonment or a fine of £25.00

The bench and judge court (sometimes referred to as simply the bench court, the crown court or the common court) has a Trained judge and a bench of three untrained magistrates and two jurors. The bench decides whether the person is guilty or not, if the person is found guilty by the bench the judge must also find them guilty in order to proceed, if either the bench or judge finds them innocent they go free, if found guilty by both jurors and at least 2 of the three magistrates as well as the judge they can be sentenced up to 240 minutes imprisonment and fines of up to £200.00 by the judge, if the judge wants to impose a higher sentence they may ask just one of the magistrates to approve this

The legal and constitutional upper limit of imprisonment is 24 hours in Arkland Federal court and 12 hours (or lower if set by the canton) in canton courts. To go further than this the person must have committed a ‘grave crime’ which shall be defined by the council of state

Arkland Minimum wage

Due to the current monetary situation in arkland the minimum wage is the following:

  • Federal government employees - £0.02 Per hour
  • canton government employees - £0.04 per hour
  • Company Employees - £0.22 per hour

Cantons may set higher amounts. Colonies set their own minimum (federal amount doesn’t apply)

Arkland constitution

Arkland doesn’t have a set constitution, instead it relies on precedent, Constitutional Laws and works like this Wiki page. If the constitutional council, constitutional court or council of state designates a law as constitutional it can only be amended by referendum

Leaving the union

The process for leaving the union depends on your status, if you are a territory or colony the process will usually be fairly easy and well defined within your charter. Most colony citizens can upgrade to full (non-resident) citizenship easily whilst there colony is leaving, for colonies the charge is usually VERY minimal (if at all) for leaving. If a full canton wants to leave and it is an original canton it must make deals with the confederation government on citizenship, taxation, military, rule of law, policing and human rights and then pay the £2.00 canton independence fee on top of the 5% of treasury budget one time exit payment before gaining full and legal independence from the confederation, for cantons (half or full) that joined the union after the formation of the union will usually have had a deal put in place for leaving when they joined, in this case they can just pay £2.00 (£1.20 for half cantons) and be independent. If it is an original half canton (Zandhiem or Zandhiem city) or a half canton formed from an original canton that wishes to become independent they must make a deal with the confederation on citizenship, taxation, military, rule of law, policing and human rights as well as discussing relevant issues with the other ‘half’ of their canton or the Canton from which they broke away and then pay a £1.20 exit fee (£1.60 if they aren’t leaving WITH their ‘other half’) and a 3% of canton treasury budget one time exit payment. Some cantons may make agreements declaring their canton or half canton to be ‘integral to the union’ meaning that they cannot leave the confederation without the agreement of the confederal parliament AND all other cantons and in return they get large federal government subsidies, a councillor to represent them in the council of state and if At least 80% of other cantons agree, a second or third seat in the senate.


Currently the confederation doesn’t have a formal military, the monarch and the nations that surround the Arklandik confederation defend it’s borders and territory. If you have any military experience (Micronational or macronational) let us know in your citizenship application and you could help us to defend the nation.