Common-pride of Sovereignties

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The Common-pride of Sovereignties, commonly referred to as the Common-pride, is a political association of member states within the Kingdom of Blazdonia. It was formally established through the adoption and enactment of the "Enactment of Common-pride," a Royal Decree issued by His Majesty, King Kevin I of Blazdonia.


Origins of the Concept and Establishment of the Term

The concept of the Common-pride emerged from the desire to foster a sense of unity and cooperation among the territories within the Kingdom of Blazdonia. It was envisioned as a platform for member states to maintain their autonomy while being integrated into the broader Blazdonian kingdom. The term "Common-pride" was coined to signify the collective identity and shared purpose of the member states.

Adoption and Formalization of the Common-pride

With the Royal Decree titled "Enactment of Common-pride," the Common-pride was formally adopted and established as a political association within Blazdonia. The decree outlined the structure, roles, and responsibilities of the Common-pride, ensuring that member states have representation and autonomy while upholding the absolute monarchy of His Majesty, King Kevin I.


Head of the Common-pride

The Head of the Common-pride is His Majesty, King Kevin I of Blazdonia. As the absolute monarch, His Majesty serves as the symbolic and unifying figure of the Common-pride, providing guidance and leadership to member states.

Federal Parliament

The Federal Parliament serves as the legislative body of the Common-pride. It consists of elected representatives from each member state, who come together to discuss and make decisions on matters of common interest, legislation, and policies that impact the member states as a whole.

State Premiers

Each member state is led by a State Premier, who acts as the representative of their respective state within the Common-pride. State Premiers have the responsibility of advocating for the interests of their state and collaborating with the Federal Parliament to ensure effective governance and cooperation.


Criteria for Membership

To become a member of the Common-pride, a territory or state must meet the following criteria: - The territory must willingly become part of the Kingdom of Blazdonia. - The territory must willingly choose to merge with Blazdonia and become an additional state under its identity. - The territory's head of state must agree to become a State Premier under the Blazdonian King and Prime Minister.



Name Type of State Flag Reason for Merging
Example-oh Additional State

The following are the current members of the Common-pride:

Name Type of State Flag Reason for Merging

Economy of Member Countries

Member countries within the Common-pride benefit from economic collaboration and shared resources. The economies of member countries are interconnected, leading to increased trade, investment, and growth opportunities within the broader Blazdonian nation.

CPoS Policies

The Common-pride of Sovereignties has established various policies to ensure the smooth functioning and development of member states. These policies encompass areas such as governance, infrastructure, education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and cultural preservation. The CPoS actively promotes cooperation and the sharing of best practices among member states to enhance the overall well-being and prosperity of the Blazdonian nation.

As the Common-pride continues to evolve, it remains committed to fostering a sense of unity, cooperation, and mutual respect among its member states, while preserving the absolute monarchy of Blazdonia. The Common-pride aims to provide a platform for member states to collaborate, exchange ideas, and work together towards shared goals, while upholding the principles of sovereignty and self-determination.

The Common-pride recognizes and respects the autonomy of member states, allowing them to maintain their unique cultural identities, traditions, and unchangeable structures. It fosters a sense of inclusivity and encourages member states, as states of Blazdonia, to actively participate in the decision-making processes that shape the future of Blazdonia.

In addition, the Common-pride also promotes economic cooperation and development among member states. Through trade agreements, investment initiatives, and joint projects, member states can leverage their collective resources and expertise to stimulate economic growth and create new opportunities for their citizens.

One of the key objectives of the Common-pride is to strengthen Blazdonia's standing in the international community. Member states are encouraged to actively engage in diplomatic relations, seek international recognition, and participate in global forums and organizations on behalf of Blazdonia as a whole. The Common-pride provides support and guidance to member states in navigating the complexities of international relations and establishing meaningful partnerships with other nations for it and its states


Furthermore, the Common-pride emphasizes the importance of sustainable development and environmental conservation. Member states are encouraged to implement regional eco-friendly practices, promote renewable energy sources, and protect natural resources for the benefit of future generations. The Common-pride facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration in the field of environmental sustainability to address global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss.

As Blazdonia continues its journey towards prosperity and international recognition, the Common-pride serves as a unifying force, bringing together member states under a shared vision of progress, collaboration, and common values - as one, as Blazdonia. Through active participation and collective efforts, member states can contribute to the growth and success of Blazdonia while preserving their unique identities and contributing to the overall development of the nation.

The Common-pride of Sovereignties stands as a testament to the strength of unity and cooperation, ensuring a bright and prosperous future for all member states within the Kingdom of Blazdonia.