Heroes of Molossia

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The Heroes of Molossia are individuals honoured at the Molossia Heroes Monument, located to the east end of Red Square, Baughston, Republic of Molossia. The individuals are honoured for contributing to "Molossia's development as a nation".[1] 30 April is celebrated annually as Heroes Day in Molossia.[2]


Name Image Role
Kevin Baugh President of Molossia
Adrianne Baugh First lady of Molossia
Alexis Baugh Chief Constable of Molossia
Emperor Norton I Self-declared Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico
Walt Disney American animator and film producer; pioneer of the American animation industry
Miranda Mc Elhiney
Admiral Erik White Molossian naval officer
Heroes of the Mustachistan War
Heroes of the War Against East Germany


  1. "Heroes of Molossia and Honorary Citizens". molossia.org. Retrieved 8 August 2022.
  2. "Holidays and Celebrations". molossia.org. Retrieved 8 August 2022.