Intermicronational law

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"Intermicronational law" is a hypothetical term given to a set of norms, rules, and standards generally accepted in relations between micronations within the micronational community. It is based on the macronational equivalent, international law.

Intermicronational law does not universally exist, and any intermicronational laws can almost only be followed if a micronation chooses to follow said law. Intemicronational law is enforced by legal divisions of intermicronational organisations and micronations, however a number of intermicronational law firms have existed. Some theories of intermicronational law argue that every micronation must follow its macronation's law; according to the parallel plane theory, first put forward by Jordan Brizendine and further developed by Ives Blackwood and Glastieven T, micronational sovereignty over a people or territory does not preclude macronational sovereignty from extending there simultaneously, and that micronations should not try to become macronations. In the Empire of Adammia, macronational privilege is a legal term which refers to the constitutional rights afforded to people who are landowners in Adammic territory according to macronational law, as well as the nominal supremacy of macronational law in general. However, whilst the intent behind the principle is to reduce the chance of a legal conflict between Adammia and its macronational neighbours (primarily the United Kingdom), it has major consequences in greatly limiting Adammia's effective sovereignty over the territory it claims.

Tactics for the enforcement of intermicronational laws or standards typically include disowning violators (through condemnations, ending relations or social oustings), as the enforcer may be otherwise powerless to enforce it through other means. A universal sign of intermicronational law, treaties are often the most universally agreed upon means of enforcing intermicronational law. A number of conventions and treaties which parties may optionally become a signatory to have tried to set standards for micronationalism as a whole, such as the Edgbaston or Wrythe Conventions.