2022 Terredepaix-Madisonland War

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On November 6, 2022, after the assassination attempt on Emperor William Brown of the Empire of Terredepaix's life, Emperor William decided that Terredepaix was provoked, and thus activated a principle of Terredepaix, which states that the nation shall not get involved in any conflicts, wars, or otherwise with other nations as long as Terredepaix is not provoked.


After the assassination attempt, Emperor William stormed back into the house in Brownsfield city, and barged into Madison's room, where he proclaimed it as part of the Terredepaixan Empire. Madison came behind him, and they fought for a bit. Then Madison left the room, and stormed into William's room, where she proclaimed herself as annexing William's room. After that, Emperor William decided to come to an agreement with Madison, and they called a ceasefire. They called a truce, and signed an agreement that stated that both parties would relinquish there claims to each other's bedrooms, and not attack each other anymore.