Bendolf Rikler

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Bendolf 'Benirix' Rikler
King of the Empire of the Benereich
"I love children"

Portrait of Bendolf circa 2022

King of the Empire of the Benereich
Coronated to his office:
3rd August 2022
Predecessor First in position
Citizenship Benereich
 New Zealand
Nationality Benerian, New Zealander
Ethnicity Native New Zealander
Residence Site "76" Ruahihi Palaces
Occupation Monarch
Religion Athiest
Military service
Allegiance Armed Forces of the Empire of the Benereich

King Bendolf 'Benirix' Rikler is the first and current serving King of the Empire of the Benereich. Rikler was coronated on the 3rd of August 2022, upon the foundation of the Empire itself. Rikler is widely known to be a tactical genius, as well as the figurehead for Benerian operations; still appearing on the front lines even though he is well above such duties. Credited as a hero abroad and in the Benereich, Bendolf Rikler is one of the most influential people in his community, with his voice and influence being felt well thoughout the Empire.


World War II

Before Rikler went on to gain the titles he possesses today, he was in fact a World War Two veteran fighting on the side of the British Empire. With his natural leadership ability, Rikler quickly found himself as a duplex-drive tank commander during Operation Neptune on June the 6th, 1944. Through his aptitude for combat scenarios Rikler's DD tank was one of the few not meet a cruel and untimely fate along the shores of Normandy, and as such Bendolf Rikler returned to the United Kingdom as a war hero following an Allied victory on 1945.

Disillusionment with modern society

Upon his return, Rikler learnt the hard truth: British society was miserable. The average UK citizen was not afforded dental care, and as such cavities and oral-health related infections were rampant in the post-war Britain. Not only this, but due to an elite group of corporates and royalty pooling the wealth, normal citizens, public servants, and war veterans such as Rikler himself never saw proper welfare - or in Bendolf Rikler's case, any financial compensation for his efforts in World War Two. This disillusionment led Rikler to eventually protest against the injustices in modern society, but Margaret Thatcher, prime minister at the time, rebuffed Rikler and in an act of political censorship had him sent to New Zealand as a 'reward' for his valour in combat.

Foundation of the Benereich

While Thatcher thought that she would never again deal with the troublesome veteran, Bendolf Rikler saw an opportunity for success. With his charisma and organizational abilities he quickly established a small paramilitary group to assist him with his newfound position. Now seeking to consolidate his power, Rikler became a Field Marshal of the newly formed micronation of the Benereich.


Early Years

After founding the Benereich, Rikler immediately noticed that many territories under his control were in fact rebellious and roused at the idea of having nationalized dental care and reasonable accents. This was likely due to the Thatcher administration spreading slander in New Zealand that Rikler was in fact a 16 year old boy with no military experience whatsoever. Such accusations, although wildly untrue, damaged public perception of the Benereich enough that a task force had to be sent out to negotiate with the nearly-hostile locales. Unfortunately, due to a particular Benerian soldier ██████████ a foreign ambassador to death with a ████-███, most territories became openly aggressive and formed an Anarchist Realm.

Night of Short Swords

Leading the Benereich against the anarchist forces, Bendolf Rikler was the tactical mastermind behind The Night of Short Swords. At 6:00 am, Bendolf Rikler was able to deceive party leader James Paprzik with a fake Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) delivery, and successfully manipulated the anarchist to open his own sunroof once the delivered KFC was in fact a tank of chlorine gas. This later allowed a task force to breach into Paprzik's building and a brief conflict ensued. Jamie Paprzik was later eleminated.

At 10:00 pm local time, Rikler was in charge of the task force selection for the capture of Police Chief Sydnee Vern, and using his vetting skills from his war background, was able to correctly recruit the right men for the job. At 1:00 pm an unconscious Vern was escorted to a pickup truck for transportation to an undisclosed facility.

King of the Benereich

After the The Night of Short Swords, Bendolf Rikler made the executive decision to ascend to the title of King. This was largely due to the Thatcher administration having collapsed as a result of the death of Margaret Thatcher herself. This meant that many of the watchful eyes following Rikler no longer had the hero in their sights, and so Bendolf could at last begin to grow his micronation as he wished. As Rikler had witnessed the results of a monarchy running too long unchecked in the United Kingdom, Bendolf chose to make himself a constitutional monarch and established a senate for the common Benerian to vote. Not only this, but Rikler still sees battle as a figurehead and dangerous foe, as due to his status as a World War Two veteran, Rikler remains a force to be reckoned with.

Personal life

King Bendolf Rikler's private life remains highly confidential for security reasons, but it can be divulged that he is currently in conflict with the Wicked Witch of Greerton, a malevolent force who reportedly has power over radio and electrical devices. Assassination attempts thus far have proven fruitless.