Classical New Secessionism

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Classical New Secessionism was the variant of New Secessionism that Glastievens δ and T forced on the early Second Republic of Glastieve in the first part of 2018, particularly as compared to later developments of New Secessionism in Glastieve, such as the Envardian Dream (or the protoenvardian constituencies model) or the 2019 concept of ironic majesty. Classical New Secessionism was more rigid and dogmatic than later forms and had a particular focus on historiography and the immediate relevance of its theories of history to contemporary Glastieven politics.

Though it may have been colloquially used in the later Second Republic, the first formal use of the term "Classical New Secessionism" was by δ in September 2019 when describing how his and Glastieven E's views at Glastievemoot were closer to his and T's approach in January 2018 than the Envardian "New Secessionism" of T and Glastieven X at the same conference. It has no relation to another of δ's neologisms, classical secessionism, a term he introduced in November 2019 to refer to the meaning of the word secessionism in the MicroWiki sector since c. 2011.