Constitution of Mobilis

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This is the official constitution of the Free State of Mobilis written by the founder of the micronation T1actical. It was set to be ratified on September 5, 2023

Constitution of the Free State of Mobilis
Created August 2023
Ratified Never ratified
Authors T1actical
Signers T1actical


The constitution of Mobilis was written by T1actical on August 24, 2023. The constitution was written in Docs. It is set to be ratified on September 5, 2023.

The micronation was short lived and in just two weeks the micronation dissolved, the constitution was never ratified as a result

The constitution


We, the people of the Free State of Mobilis. And the founder T1actical, shall follow and promote this constitution to guide Mobilis to unity and prospect.

Secton I: National territory

The official land claims of Mobilis shall be a pocket gadget. The land could be changed by the founder T1actical if he ever changes to a new phone or owns multiple pocket gadgets.

Section II: Citizenship

Section 1: Citizenship should be given to anyone from any foreign country. People wanting to be a citizen shall answer the official Google forms of the nation.

Section 2: People who applied for a citizenship would be considered as a virtual citizen, people can talk on the Reddit page of Mobilis and get news on it too.

Section III: Government

Section 1: Mobilis is a country that uses its own government type called "Founderism" which relies on the founder itself as a whole and is an autocratic government

Section 2:The founder of this state decides who would be the successor of the Micronation and the future is up to them. The successor shall create a new constitution retaining some of the aspects here such as the national territory, citizenship, Rights and freedoms, national symbols, relations, and this succession part.

Section 3: If the founder did not find any successor the populace shall elect a trust-worthy successor to continue the micronation.

Section IV: Rights and freedom

Section 1: People can help the micronation as a whole and promote it to anyone they know, or on social media.

Section 2: People shall not discuss nor talk about controversial topics in the modern world.

Section 3: Hate crimes and homophobia shall not be encouraged by anyone on the micronation.

Section 4: The nation as a whole does not encourage alcohol to any populace.

Section V: Relations

The micronation is open to all relations to the micronational world and macronational world as a whole.

Section VI: Official symbols and representative symbols

Section 1: Any symbols representing the nation either relevant or irrelevant is condemned as a whole.

Section 2: Any symbols outside of the nation shall not be disrespected nor teased.

Section VII: Official languages and lingua franca

Section 1: Esperanto, English, and Tagalog are recognized as the official languages and lingua franca of the language.

Section 2: Any language is recognized by the nation and could be used with the help of translators translating it to other people.

Section VIII: Sports

Sports could be done digitally and physically with national teams representing the country.


This constitution shall serve as the official constitution of the Free State of Mobilis, its citizens, and the trusted officials as a whole to follow.

See also

Free State of Mobilis