Draft:Alzirrin calendar

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The Alzirrin calendar, also known as the Calendar of the Floro Sapians, the Hamburgeflorosapiarsexian calendar, or the Calendar of le Internets is a calendar recognized within the Federated States of Duvall. It was also recognized by Hamburgeflorosapiarsex, a constituent state of Duvall, until its dissolution following the Duvallestinian Civil War.

The calendar has 364 days and 12 months, the first 11 of which having 31 days each, and the last month having the remaining 23. The calendar is divided into two eras: the first of which being Numa Numa, which began on 29 November 2003 in the Gregorian calendar; and the latter being After Henry Kissinger Died (often shortened to A.H.K.D.) which began on 29 November 2023 in the Gregorian calendar, the day the American politician Henry Kissinger died, and the one-year anniversary of the November 29th revolution, an important event in Thejistani and Duvallestinian history.

The calendar was created by Gemini Alzirr in December of 2023.


The Alzirrin calendar has 12 months, the last of which consisting of the excess 23 days to complete the 364 days of the Alzirrin year. The months go as follows:

  • Numazäit (31 days): coming from the German term "-zäit," meaning a time or period; and the alternative name of the O-Zone single Dragostea Din Tei.
  • Nintendo Shitmonth (31 days): coming from the title of the Pissed Off Video Gamer video in which the term "Nintendo Shitcube" is used repeatedly throughout as an attempt of insult of the Nintendo GameCube.
  • New Numazäit (31 days, 32 on a leap year)
  • Sivvijikan (31 days): coming from the Japanese term "間 (kan)," which can mean the duration of; and an intentional improper spelling of SVG as an attempt to pronounce the three letters as if it were a word, creating the term "sivvij." The origin of the term is attributed to Waqiy ibn Ayatch al-Narjid, President of Duvall.
  • Mimiamser (31 days): coming from the Welsh word "-amser," meaning a time or period; and the nickname of Naomi Manera, a character from the 2007 video game Super Paper Mario who is regarded as a legendary figure in Thejo-Duvallestinian culture.
  • Markuzmann (31 days): named after Markus Mannix, another legendary figure in Thejo-Duvallestinian culture.
  • Souljajìjié (31 days): coming from the Chinese term "季节 (jìjié)," meaning a season or a time interval; and Soulja-tan, a character from a webseries that aired on 8chan who is regarded as a legendary figure in Thejo-Duvallestinian culture.
  • Cronazeit (31 days): coming from an alternative spelling of zäit; and the ancient Greek mythological figure Cronus, as well as the Soul Eater character Crona, who is regarded as a favorite character by Alzirr.
  • Patrick (31 days): etymology unknown.
  • Sephitember (31 days): portmanteau of Sephiroth and September.
  • Xemnastempus (31 days): named after the Kingdom Hearts character Xemnas.
  • Extramonth (23 days)


The Alzirrin calendar has a system in which there is a ten-day week, with the thirty-first day of each month being a special day. Extramonth has three special days: Finchy, Powell, and Tommy G.

Days of the Alzirrin week
Original name English translation
Ignisfri Redday
Vitafenix Orangeday
Lapistan Braunday
Fulguram Yellowday
Ventusgard Greenday
Gelushiv Blueday
Aquaithan Azureday
Chalydiin Purpleday
Sanguiamut Grayday
Luxander Whiteday
Tenebolos Blackday