Draft:Benevolent Dictatorship of Floccinaucinihilipilificationland

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Officially The Benevolent Dictatorship of Floccinaucinihilipilificationland, the B.D.F., Flokland, or Landersland as it is called by one resident, is an unrecognised micronation established on February 21, 2024. It is geographically in the north-central part of the U.S. state of New York, which it borders on all fronts. It claims sovereignty under the prerequisites established by the Montevideo Convention of 1933, and considers itself a serious nation.

Flokland is one of the smallest nations on Earth, at only 89,130ft² land area, including all provinces.

Flokland is too small to have a traditional capital, but the House, the only residential structure in the country, serves technically as the capitol building and thus the “capital of Flokland.”

The climate is cool on the mainland, with extreme temperatures in both winter and summer seasons. Winter temperatures may go down to -20F and summer temperatures may soar to 80F. It is one of the coldest and southernmost countries on earth, counting its 10ft² province at the inlandmost extremity of Marie Byrd Land in Western Antarctica. At some given points of the year, both the northern and southern lights are over Flokland's skies.

The geography of Flokland Home Territory consists of relatively small hills, a densely wooded area in the east, and more open land in the west.

Residents of the country include one cat, who resides inside the House, various species of northeastern birds, rabbits, deer, squirrels, coyotes, bobcats, and various species of insects.

Within the country’s borders there sit three structures in total: a house, a barn, and a shed.

The House is where all of the country’s four permanent residents reside.

The large bavarian barn was skillfully crafted by Amish workers far before the land became Flokland.

The small shed contains the single mower, used to maintain the nation’s land.

Flokland has free association with the United States and residents of the primer frequently pass in and out of the nation’s borders, due to limited amenities therein. No passport or visa is needed for citizens of either country to pass into the other, and all citizens of Flokland have dual citizenship with the larger country.

The state’s economy is driven from pensions as per free association, and resident MJF’ work as a website designer for international clients.

The BDF’s official currency is the U.S. dollar, and it utilises the Imperial system of measurement.

Residents of the micronation receive American Wi-Fi and television service, and are therefore obligated to pay regional taxes as foreign aid regardless of official sovereignty as a repayment for those benefits.

The official languages are English and Spanish, the latter a minority language and possesses only theoretical officialdom. Government operations are conducted through the medium of English.

The laws of the benevolent dictatorship are the same as the surrounding United States with the following exceptions:

A complete ban on hunting, fishing, or any activity involving the killing of any animal, which therein is regarded as murder. People are not seen as superior to animals, and it is the custom to treat them with immense respect. Additionally “Human rights” is not a term used by the government, as they apply to all living things.

Clothing laws, covering wise, are quite similar to those of Islamic-majority countries (but the same applies to both genders), with the exception of the lack of a hijab requirement.

A complete ban on the possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, vape, and drugs which are illegal in the U.S.

A complete ban on the possession of firearms of any sort.

Flokland is one of the most environmentally friendly countries on Earth; carbon emissions and use of fossil fuels are extremely minimal. Oil drilling on its 2110ft² province in Farawayland, the southwestern quarter of Rockall, is outlawed.

There is no notable literature of the country except for DSF’s yet unfinished memoire Sgeul Ghranny which describes life in the old days.

The official website of the micronation is ceanntuigheoireacht.wordpress.com, which contains extensive information about Flokland, including an up-to-date newsletter containing weather information in all its four provinces: Flokland Home Territory, Farawaywindsweptguillemotrockoutcropland (Farawayland for short), Antarctic Territory, and a symbolic 1cm on Dog Island (Adirondak Wilderness Territory.)