Draft:Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory

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Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory
Screenshot of the preamble and following Acts of the Murray River Exclaves Territory, as seen in Google Docs.
Original title Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory
JurisdictionMurray River Exclaves Territory
Created3 January 2024
Presented9 February 2024
Ratified 10 February 2024
Date effective10 February 2024
SystemParliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Government structure
ExecutiveGovernor-General of the Murray River Exclaves Territory
JudiciaryParliamentary Court of the Murray River Exclaves territory.
Electoral collegeno
First legislatureyet to be assembled
First executive3 January 2024
First courtyet to be assembled
Last amended10 February 2024
Author(s)Ethan Ellis
Media typedigital
SupersedesConstitution of Australia, Crimes Act 1914 (Cth), Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), Crimes Act 1958 (Vic), Magna Carta
Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory at English Wikisource

The Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory is the supreme law and constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory


Originals plans and drafts for the Territory's Constitution were written circa 2023, though very few of the original clauses or ideas of these drafts exist in the current version.

Attempts to draft a digital constitution for the Murray River Exclaves Territory was first made of 3 January 2024, and was completed on approximately 18 February 2024. The following day, the writer of the Constitution, Ethan Ellis, presented the finalised version of the Constitution to the future Minister of Defence Jameson Dale, which was approved after his appointment as Defence Minister and the editon of Sections 53 & 54.

Document structure and text

The Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory has 54 Sections as of 10 February 2024.


The Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory contains a preamble. It discusses the purpose and intent of establishing of Territory, and how it believes that the state governments of Victoria and New South Wales and the federal government and High Court of Australia have acted incompitently in governing the territories it claims, thus justifying its legitimacy.

Sections 1-6

The first six Sections of the Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory are unclassified. Section 1 is the short title; Section 2 contains definitions for specific phrases used later in the text; Section 3 states that the Act would go into effect when instructed by the Governor-General (done on 10 February 2024); Section 4 reiterates the legal legitimacy of the Act; and Section 5 establishes the requirements the Federal and State governments of Victoria and New South Wales must meet before the Murray River Exclaves Territory may unify with said states. Section 6 is a table of the remaining Acts.


Five Chapters exist within the Constitution of the Murray River Exclaves Territory. Chapter I covers government positions (the executive branch); Chapter II covers Judicature; Chapter III covers territories (administrative divisions); Chapter IV covers the Honour system of the Murray River Exclaves Territory; Chapter V is labelled as miscellaneous.

Select Sections
