Draft:New Prussian Imperial Military Alphabet

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The New Prussian Imperial Military Alphabet is the coded alphabet of the New Prussian Imperial Military. This alphabet is used for clarity, coding and naming.

This alphabet also incorporates the Elder Futhark Runic Alphabet.

Latin/Germanic Letter Military Code Runic
A Alpha
B Beta
C Charlemange
D Donner
E Echo
F Fafnir
G Gamma
H Helheim
I Ironside
J Jormangandur
K Kolovrat
L Lich
M Mjolnir
N Niflheim
O Othala
P Panzer
Q Quiver
R Ruthenia
S Skol
T Talon
U Uruk
V Valkyrie
W Woden
X X-Ray
Y Ymir
Z Zeta
Ä Aesir N/A
Ö Öl N/A
Ü Über N/A
ß Serpent N/A