Dukes in Klitzibürg

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Duke, less commonly also hercog and hertog (Bohuyis: duxet) is a title of a member of the higher nobility in Klitzibürg. The dukes of Klitzibürg are addressed as Serene Highness (Durklaüht). Typically, this title is a designation of the rank of the ruler of a duchy, but this is not the rule in Klitzibürg. One can become a duke without receiving any territory of his own. The title of duke is not traditionally granted, and is now only held by two people, namely the ruler of Klitzibürg, Nicholas I. and Jakub of Vítek.


Dukes has no additional powers from other nobles, of course they can establish a dynasty, hold a coat of arms, motto, create an appellation, and the Grand Duke can even grant them their own territory, but this is not an obligation.

The ducal crown of dukes in Central Europe, dukes in Klitziburg have the right to use it on their coat of arms

List of dukes

gender name Photo Approved by Grand Duke of Klitzibürg Appointed
Duke of Teplice von Göth und Kunratitz Nicholas I. 2020 2020
Duke in Klitzibürg z Vitku Jakub of Vitek[cs]