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National flag of Marienbourg
Total population
Regions with significant populations
 Brazil 24
 Marienbourg 12
 United States 4
 Canada 3
 Portugal 2
 New Southern Rhine 1
 Lebanon 1
 Chile 1
 Ivory Coast 1
 Poland 1

Predominantly Portuguese, also English, French, Hunsrik, among others


Catholicism, Spiritism, Buddhism and Irreligion

Marienbourgers (Portuguese: Marienburgueses), also called by the corresponding adjective Marienbourgish, are the citizens of Marienbourg, regard by law as "subjects of His Serene Highness The Duke of Marienbourg". The Constitution of Marienbourg establishes, and its citizenship policy confirms, that a Marienbourger is every person born in the territory of Marienbourg, born abroad to at least one Marienbourg parent and born abroad who has acquired Marienbourgish citizenship. Marienbourg is a multiethnic society, which means that it is home to people of many ethnic origins, and there is no correlation between one's stock and their Marienbourgish identity.


The Constitution of Marienbourg establishes as a Marienbourgish citizens, enjoying full equality and rights, anyone born in Marienbourg to national or foreign parents (jus solis), anyone born abroad to a Marienbourgish parent if registered at the Marienbourgish reponsible body within four years, anyone born abroad who has applied for and received citizenship, everyone born abroad who takes up residence in Marienbourg for a minimum period of one year, and an indefinite maximum period (i.e., people who have a period of residence cannot apply for citizenship through this metod).

Marienbourg's citizenship law conforms to multiple citizenship without prejudice to the citizen, as long as he is not serving in an official position in an enemy state. Loss of citizenship is defined by the constitution as an exclusive prerogative of the Sovereign and by the Criminal Code as an enforceable penalty analogous to capital punishment.

See also
