Micronational Cultural Union

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Micronational Cultural Union
Logo of Micronational Cultural Union
  • 2 full members
  • 0 provisional members
  • 0 observer states
  • 0 observer organisations
Gerhát Márton
Gerhát Mihály
• Foundation
2022. 10. 22

The Micronational Cultural Union is an intermicronal organization headquartered in Labor City, in the Rank Republic of MMBS. It aims to connect micro-nations that have a significant individual culture. Contact can be made through the lead state of the organization based on various criteria. The leading state (Rank Republic of MMBS) does not have more influence than the other members in any way. However, this country takes a leading role in the admission of new nations.

Obtaining Membership

In order to obtain membership, various criteria must be met, which can prove that the given state really has a unique national identity.

Basic points of nation building

Must have all of the following cultural characteristics

• Unique national flag

• coat of arms

• National holidays

You can optionally have the following

• national religion (the Union gives preference to religions that have serious believers)

• Additional symbols: national animal, national anthem, national plant or any other symbol considered characteristic of the country in question.

Optional points.

The MCU has defined points that are optional, not mandatory. However, those who can fulfill these points can participate in various individual program points.

Basic points of cities

You must have a settlement that

Has at least 4 buildings

• These buildings are serious houses or sheds, not log cabins, which are recognized by the country as buildings. (people do not necessarily have to live in every house)

where the micro-national presence can be seriously observed

• National flags spotted in the city

• The cultural characteristics of the established country can be observed: use of the national language, local folk decoration.

• has a tourist attraction that can be linked to the given culture: for example, an Independence Day monument

Micronations that meet this point can participate in the program of the micronational cultural capital.

Basic points of Community

• consists of at least fifteen people, of which everyone is aware that they are members of the micronation.

• A significant part of the community's members must be residents of the country.

• The country holds celebrations for the community where at least 10 citizens show up.

these states can participate in the award for the most magnificent micronational holiday.


Rank Republic of MMBS

Kingdom of Tranar