Politics of Essizia

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Essizia is an absolute monarchy with constitutional provisions and Essizian law and Custom. The head of state is the king, currently King Bennett I, who ascended to the throne in 2023. According to the constitution of Essizia, the king is a symbol of unity and the eternity of the Essizian nation. The king appoints the prime minister from the legislature and also appoints all members of the Senate. Members of the House of Premiers consist of the premiers of each province. Elections are held every 5 years.

Executive branch

In general practice, however, the monarch's power is delegated through a dualistic system: modern and statutory bodies, like the cabinet, and less formal traditional government structures. At present, parliament consists of the Senate (members are appointed by the king) and 4-seat House of Premiers (Consists of the Premiers of each province).