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Flag of the ideology of Soyuzism, formerly used by the Soyuzist Republic from 2020-2021.

Soyuzism is an ideology that emerged in the Soyuzist Republic during the early 21st century. It leans closely to leftist and rightist ideas by introducing a parliementary representative democracy within specific sized companies. The ideology follows the reasoning that, for efficiency and democracy within a workplace where it is normally absent, there should be a parliamentary system that votes for the party that has most power within the company. Smaller-sized businesses can run under two systems according to Soyuzism: Soyuzism 1a, where smaller companies run under regular Dutch partial state-regulated capitalism,and Soyuzism 1b, where smaller companies run under market socialism.

Currently only one micronation actually attempts to adhere to the system, the Soyuzist Republic of Azameen

The SRA wishes to promote proper ethical workplaces using lower tax rates for workplaces that allow representative democracy under supervision of

the Soyuzist government of Azameen.