Talk:Michael I, Prince of Sealand

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MicroProject Vital Articles (Rated Start-class, Mid-importance)
Michael I, Prince of Sealand has been identified as a Level 3 Vital Article. It is part of a collaborate, user-led effort to improve MicroWiki's coverage of micronationalism's most significant topics. If you would like to participate, please visit the user project page.
Start-Class article Start  This article has been rated as Start-Class on the quality scale.
 Mid  This article has been rated as Mid-importance on the importance scale.


Your Majesty Μichael

I am King George III of Arkaland, one of the states you find in Greece, I would ask you to recognize my state as I did and I also offer you the position of Count as a respect for your work, I hope for the cooperation of our states George III of Arkaland. -