Terredepaixan Province of Salem

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The Terredepaixan Province of Salem is a Subdivision, specifically a province, of the Kingdom and Territories of Terredepaix. It was created on October 10, 2022 after founder of the Pristine Kingdom of Salem, Charli, gave king William Brown of Terredepaix the go ahead to annex Salem.

Terredepaixan province of Salem
Flag of Salem
Motto: “Peace, Freedom, Equality”
GovernmentConstitutional Republic
• Governor
• Lieutenant Governor
EstablishmentOctober 10, 2022


On October 10, 2022, King William of Terredepaix jokingly suggested that Salem should be annexed by Terredepaix. Then Salem’s founder, Charli, said she would consider it, and it became more than a slight joke. After an hour or so, Charli announced that Terredepaix would in fact be annexing Salem. King William quickly got to work, forming new symbols, a new name, etc. He had president Jacob of the Republic of Miraguay help him in making a flag for this new province.


On October 11, 2022, one day after the Terredepaixan annexation of Salem, a person in the Salem discord server, who became the lieutenant governor under deltas administration when the annexation happened, known as Jaiden got upset that Salem was annexed by Terredepaix undemocratically. King William has stated that, although the decision WAS undemocratically made, no one else besides Jaiden objected to it, and it was a decision Charli aka ghost, the founder of Salem, made for herself. William feels that it’s justified in this instance, because Charli was getting tired of Salem (and had left micronationalism except Salem a few days before,) and William feels that only the founder of a micronation should get to decide when it starts and ends. Jaiden left the Salem server, and said some very nasty things to King William. The controversy, which William thought was finally over, sparked up again on October 12, 2022, after William discovered a coup plan against Terredepaixan Salem, which began during the late night hours of October 11, 2022. The coup was created in an attempt to overthrow the new Terredepaixan controlled and governed Salem, and restore its independence once more. To stop the coup, William discussed and negotiated the situation with the coupers, and they came to a compromise: a democratic, fair, free, and peaceful referendum would be held to see if Salem should stay as a part of Terredepaix or gain independence again, because most of the coupers were upset that Terredepaix annexed and gained control of Salem quote "undemocratically." With a turnout of 5 wanting Salem to stay Terredepaixan, and 4 wanting independence, Salem stayed as a part of Terredepaix. However, a government in exile and another rebellion plan for Salem was created after the referendum.


The Province is governed as a constitutional republic, and has a governor, who shares the head of government title with the prime minister of Terredepaix, and a lieutenant governor. Salem also has a head of state, who is the monarch of Terredepaix. It does not yet have a legislature, but King William may make one soon.

Political parties

Political parties in Salem have not yet been completely figured out yet. This section will be updated when they are.