AL-Ouss AL-Ulooz Islamists

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Al Ouss Al Ulooz (pronounced AL Oos AL Oo Lewz) is a group of Islamists, or Muslims that believe the Islamic countries should all unite under one banner and government, that believe in peacefully reuniting all Muslim nations of the world by settling conflicts between Muslim leaders and letting heads of state and governments keep their power so they’d be willing to support the movement. Each Muslim country would become a province of the caliphate, or Muslim empire, and areas with non-Muslims such as Christian areas and parts of Kurdistan would become autonomous regions, or areas that are part of the Muslim empire but have their own independent local government and laws. Al-Ouss Al-Ulooz believes in doing this peacefully and are NOT radicals or a terrorist group, contrary to beliefs of many uninformed Westerners. The group has less than 40 members and is based in coastal Virginia. They are known to help the Islamic Sultanate of Qarsherskiy with their Dawah program, a type of program aimed at teaching people Islam in hopes of people converting to Islam or better understanding Muslims’ faith and being less hateful to Muslims.