Asperger's as an ethnic group

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Before discussing the "Asperger Ethnics", we can first define the "nation". I define it this way:

  1. It has certain genetic commonalities and sex ratio for sustainable development
  2. Culturally, it can express the differences with the outside world and some internal identity

With the continuous development of loneliness pedigree science, autism diagnosis, which once belonged to men's patent, has begun to move towards many seemingly ordinary female friends who have been shrouded in unnamed pain, thus complementing the important weakness of "national perspective".

The long-term research has shown that the lonely pedigree can not be truly homogeneous with any existing culture in the dimension of sincere language application (the homogeneity caused by autistic masking is not considered).

Therefore, all as individuals with complete performance, strong self-awareness and difficult to coexist with the original culture are members of the Asperger Ethnics.

Possible parallels exist in fiction:
L2 Humans (Aeon14)

“L2 humans” is a concept taken from fiction.

“Jason Andrews – Son of Jane Sykes Andrews, grandson of Cara Sykes, Jason is a pilot and a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He is also one of the first few humans to exhibit the natural L2 mutation, which means that the axons—neural pathways—in his brain have a significantly higher number of nodes than a normal L0 human. They function as signal boosters, which allow him to process information at lightning speeds, and give him much faster reflexes than unaugmented humans have.

Tobi – One of the uplifted cats bred by Jane Sykes Andrews as companion pets for families living in habitats and on ships. Tobi helped Tobias accompany Jason, carrying his core around in her harness, since AIs cannot embed inside an L2 human.”

In reality:

  • we have slower processing speeds, which correlate with other benefits.
  • there are no known studies evaluating the embeddability of Neuralink technology into neurodivergent physiologies
  • embeddable General AIs do not yet exist
  • AI-enabled BCI tech may be able to use transfer learning and continuous learning to adapt itself to a ND user, so there's probably no reason why a theoretical SAI could not integrate with an L2 human
Vulcans (Star Trek)

Vulcans are a humanoid race from the Star Trek universe. They are known for their highly logical and rational thinking. Vulcans prioritize logic over emotions, and their society is built upon principles of reason and intellectualism. They possess advanced mental faculties, including exceptional memory, sensory perception, and problem-solving skills. These characteristics make Vulcans comparable to the concept of Asperger Ethnics, as they exhibit traits such as strong self-awareness, difficulty coexisting with other cultures, and a focus on logical reasoning.

Nephilim (Abrahamic Mythology)

In Abrahamic mythology, the Nephilim are described as a humanoid race that existed before the Great Flood in the Bible. The Nephilim were believed to be the offspring of angels and human women. While the nature of their civilization is not extensively detailed in religious texts, some interpretations suggest that they possessed advanced knowledge and technology. The Nephilim are often associated with the development and progression of high technology and civilization. This connection to the Nephilim draws a parallel with the concept of Asperger Ethnics, who are individuals with remarkable intellectual abilities and unique perspectives that can contribute to the advancement of society.

Genetic/Scientific Basis
  • Possible genetic factor causing increased axon branching co-occuring with normal IQ “Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are heritable neurodevelopmental disorders affecting communication and behavior, and can include impaired intellectual ability. ASD is believed to result from altered synapse function and gene regulation. Among high-risk ASD genes, ANK2 is of particular interest since ANK2 mutations with an ASD diagnosis can occur with normal IQ. Here, we report that ASD ANK2 mutation in mice results in increased axon branching and ectopic connectivity associated with penetrant impairment in selected communicative and social behaviors combined with superior executive function. Thus, gain of axon branching is a candidate cellular mechanism to explain aberrant structural connectivity and dominantly inherited behavior that are compatible with normal intelligence and potentially can contribute to ASD and other forms of neurodiversity.” source
  • Increased volume, same density of gray matter “The team did not find differences in gray-matter density at the whole-brain level or in individual regions. But the autistic participants had greater gray-matter volume overall. This is also the case in regions known to be different in people with autism, such as the superior temporal cortex, which is involved in language processing.” source
  • Possible genetic factors causing increased neurons “Postmortem examination of ASD brains has revealed global changes including disorganized gray and white matter, increased number of neurons, decreased volume of neuronal soma, and increased neuropil, the last reflecting changes in densities of dendritic spines, cerebral vasculature and glia. Both cortical and non-cortical areas show region-specific abnormalities in neuronal morphology and cytoarchitectural organization, with consistent findings reported from the prefrontal cortex, fusiform gyrus, frontoinsular cortex, cingulate cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum and brainstem. The paucity of postmortem human studies linking neuropathology to the underlying etiology has been partly addressed using animal models to explore the impact of genetic and non-genetic factors clinically relevant for the ASD phenotype. Genetically modified models include those based on well-studied monogenic ASD genes (NLGN3, NLGN4, NRXN1, CNTNAP2, SHANK3, MECP2, FMR1, TSC1/2), emerging risk genes (CHD8, SCN2A, SYNGAP1, ARID1B, GRIN2B, DSCAM, TBR1), and copy number variants (15q11-q13 deletion, 15q13.3 microdeletion, 15q11-13 duplication, 16p11.2 deletion and duplication, 22q11.2 deletion)” source
  • Slower processing speed coupled with high verbal comprehension “Similarly, self, parent, and teacher reports of anxiety increased with FSIQ (all p<0.05) in autistic individuals, in striking opposition to the ameliorating effect of FSIQ seen in non-autistic individuals. We uncovered a pattern of decreased processing speed (PS) coupled with very high verbal comprehension (VC), a PS/VC discrepancy, that was associated with autism, inattention, and internalizing problems. Similar cognitive-behavioral links were also observed in the ABCD study. Finally, we found a significant association between the PS/VC discrepancy and polygenic risk for autism in the ABCD sample (t=2.9, p=0.004).” source
  • Amygdala overgrowth “The amygdala — a brain structure enlarged in two-year-old children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) — begins its accelerated growth between 6 and 12 months of age, suggests a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. The amygdala is involved in processing emotions, such as interpreting facial expressions or feeling afraid when exposed to a threat. The findings indicate that therapies to reduce the symptoms of ASD might have the greatest chance of success if they begin in the first year of life, before the amygdala begins its accelerated growth.” source
  • Strong Forms of Intuition in Autism “Social-cognitive skills can take different forms, from accurately predicting individuals’ intentions, emotions, and thoughts (person perception or folk psychology) to accurately predicting social phenomena more generally. Past research has linked autism spectrum (AS) traits to person perception deficits in the general population. We tested whether AS traits also predict poor accuracy in terms of predicting generalized social phenomena, assessed via participants’ accuracy at predicting social psychological phenomena (e.g., social loafing, social projection, group think). We found the opposite. In a sample of ∼6,500 participants in 104 countries, AS traits predicted slightly higher social psychological skill. A second study with 400 participants suggested that heightened systemizing underlies this relationship. Our results indicate that AS traits relate positively to a form of social cognitive skill—predicting social psychological phenomena—and highlight the importance of distinguishing between divergent types of social cognition.” source
  • Training Intuition “As intuitive thinking is fast and deliberative thinking is slow, this research manipulated the time available to complete a series of reasoning questions. These questions have been developed to have intuitive answers (which are incorrect) and deliberative answers (which are correct). For the first time, a fast time manipulation (you must answer quickly) and slow (you must think about your answer before responding) was undertaken with autistic individuals. Autistic participants did produce more deliberative answers than the non-autistic participants. However, both groups produced comparably more intuitive answers and less deliberative answers in the fast condition. This shows that while autistic people tend not to use their intuition, autistic people can be encouraged to use their intuition.” source
  • Intuition in Savantism “The previously proposed hypothesis on the astrocyte mega-domains of autistic savantism is here further elaborated with regard to the faculty of intuition. Two mechanisms may essentially be responsible for the intuition of autistic savantism. First, the increased number of contacted synapses via the astrocyte processes enables the brain to generate a comprehensive perception of a scene in the environment. Second, to inhibit a further reflection process neuronal synapses responsible for pertinent information must be rejected by retraction of the same astrocyte processes. This second mechanism may exert the disconnections of neuronal systems and is experimentally verified. Therefore, the break-off of further social contacts may also be necessary. The testing of the hypothesis in living brains is difficult but at least partly possible in post-mortem brains.” source
  • Pattern Recognition “The brain regions in question are called the temporal and occipital areas, and are associated with perception and recognition of patterns.

A new review of multiple studies determined that people with an autism spectrum disorder tend to have more brain activity in these regions, and less brain activity in frontal brain regions associated with planning and decision-making.

The studies provide evidence that people with autism tend to perform strongly on visual tasks , said researcher Laurent Mottron of the Centre for Excellence in Pervasive Development Disorders at the University of Montreal.

The studies show that people with autism “have larger visual activity, something that’s already known at a behavioral level to some extent,” Mottron said during a press conference.

Researchers analyzed 26 brain imaging studies that included 357 people with autism and 370 people without autism. In all imaging studies, regardless of the research design or task presented to the study participants, the temporal and occipital brain regions had increased brain activity compared with non-autistic people, the review said.

“It means that the autistic brain is reorganized, but it’s not reorganized in a disorganized way,” Mottron said. “It’s reorganized in the sense of favoring visual expertise.”” source

Known Neurodivergent Ethno-States:

- Republic of Aliamens

- United Autistimerican States

Known Neurodivergent Languages and Dialects:

We emphasize that language not only serves as a means of communication but also plays a vital role in preserving and conveying cultural identity, traditions, values, and knowledge. This understanding can be applied to the neurodivergent community as well.

Neurodivergents, who have different cognitive and neurological traits, often find it easier to communicate and understand each other compared to neurotypicals. This can be attributed to shared experiences, perspectives, and communication styles within the neurodivergent community. The unique ways in which neurodivergents communicate can be seen as a distinct variation or dialect within their mother tongue.

However, it is important to note that the concept of a "Neurodivergent dialect" should not be equated with a fully-formed separate language or dialect. Language evolution and the formation of distinct cultures occur over long periods of time through extensive social interactions, group dynamics, and a shared cultural identity.

While neurodivergents may communicate in ways that differ from neurotypicals, it would require a relatively large and cohesive community of neurodivergents to organically develop and evolve their own distinct language or dialect. The creation of a distinct Neurodivergent culture would involve the transmission of traditions, values, and cultural practices unique to the neurodivergent experience.

As of now, building such a community and developing a distinct Neurodivergent culture has not been achieved on a large scale. However, it is worth exploring how communities and platforms that bring together neurodivergent individuals can support the development and intercommunication of their shared experiences, potentially laying the foundation for the evolution of a unique Neurodivergent culture in the future.

- L2 Standard English (theoretical Neurodivergent dialect of American English that would evolve if we established a large enough community)