Banking in Vouzensel

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Banking in Vouzensel is often viewed as a thriving industry in Vouzensel.

Vouzensel is a signatory to the Fontaineblanche Banking Agreement and privately owned and operated banks often remain unreported to the government.

Unreported Banking

Whilst official reports remain confidential, it is estimated that transactions totaling to about 40,000 Vouzian Francs are conducted daily by unregistered and unofficial banks.

A number of government officials of the Empire of Vouzensel have been questioned on the matter of unreported banking and it has been made clear that the Government of the Empire of Vouzensel does not intend to put a stop to unreported banking.


There are allegedly several organisations that exist within the Empire of Vouzensel that facilitate transactions between unregistered banks.

The government and royal family, when asked about these organisations by news agencies, have stated that there is no evidence that such organisations exist.