Cultura nel Principato di Ledilia

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Main Ideas

As the Principality is a Catholic state, we follow all stops made from the ideology. We also have some holidays date (you may find them down scrolling); We do have some important tradictions like our Chocolate Milk or our amazing suits.

Our language (Dialetto Ledile) and more by scrolling to the bottom.

Chocolate Milk

Our chocolate milk is special, mixed with the finest milk and made with the finest chocolate powder in the market, it gets sweezed and drank with some traditional methods.


The Ledilian Government, His Highness and his council decided that in Ledilia there will be some days of Holidays, following the Catholicism holidays and some "Local" holidays.

from the 12th of December up to the Sixth of Genuary it's a stop for all workers but not for infrastructures, timetables get's splitted in halfs.

7 February, Birth of His Highness, The Prince Day

14 February, Principality's Foundation Day

21 February, Principality's Army foundation Day

21 March, First Lab experiments by the Ledilian Researches and Experiments (LRES), we are all proud of the innovation coming to Ledilia.

20th and 21 April, Easter Holidays

1 May, International Workers day

Symbolic Meanings

In Ledilia you can find many times the number seven, The Birth of His Highness, The Foundation is the seven, days later the Born of His Highness, Seven more days and the Army was founded, the number seven is recognised in Many dates.


The Annual Chocolate Day, where Ledilians will drink only water and chocolate milk for an entire day, this forces the strenght of the bond of the citizens.

The Annual Parade at the Foundation's day, recognised for be the best event in Ledilia.

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