Democratic Republic of Çimançy

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The Democratic Republic of Cimancy, more commonly known as Cimancy, is a protectorate / land claim of the Principality of Kaetania.

Cimancy formed as a republic on February 11, 2022, and inspired the creation of Kaetania. Cimancy was originally a Presidential Republic and Her Excellency Nejitsu Shizu. was president. She abandonded the nation shortly after the founding of Kaetania and Cimancy was turned into a Direct/Absolute Democracy, so the Cimancans ruled themselves.

Cimancy was annexed by Kaetania after the Kaeto-Ciman War (or The Trade Wars) ended. Cimancy currently has no form of government whatsoever and is ruled by Kaetania and the Union of the Northern Alliance. Because of Cimancy's lack of government, citizens will occassionally try to start a form of government and declare independence from Kaetania. Besides that, most Cimancans are pretty chill.

Cimancy used to use Fahrenheit, 12-hour clock, and mm/dd/yyyy, but once Cimancy was annexed the Kaetanian Government passed a law in Cimancy to which the protectorate would use Celsius, 24-hour clock, and dd/mm/yyy format until the nation officially seceded fromKaetania. They also changed Cimancy's official languages and religions so it matched with Kaetania's.


"Cima" is the Portuguese word for "Up", which mean the rise before the fall, "n" means "no", which is for Cimancy's refusal for Kaeto-Ciman Peace. "Cy" is the Kaetan Latin word for "Mn" which is the shortened version for "Moon", which reference's Cimancy's conversion to Feebusism.


Cimancy Founding, 11/2/22

Nejitsu Shizu (根実シズ in Japanese or Shizu Nejitsu in as her Romaji name) created Cimancy as a side project after reading about the Republic of Molossia. She abandoned it as she returned to her home in Osaka, Japan. She called it Cimancy (or Shimanshi (シマンシー)) after one of her friends. The Principality of Kaetania eventually took over.

The Trade Wars, 28/2/22 - 02/3/22

The Cimancans were left to trade with nations by themselves. People self-employed themselves as "Traders" or "Tradekeepers" and started businesses like the Cimancy Trading Company and the Ciman Traders Inc. Kaetania was late for a few trades and the citizens agreed to declare war.

Cimancy didn't have a good army, so the were incredibly weak, and after three days of battles, Kaetania annexed Cimancy and claimed it as a territory.

The Tear-Apart, Sometime in May (Çüaərşöhü Möönəitəhü)

When the Great Empire of Gamerland signed the Treaty of Xeno and was admitted into the NA, the three countries agreed to split Cimancy into three protectorates: Kaetanian Cimancy, Arazanian Cimancy, and Gamerian Cimancy. This actually tore apart Ciman's citizenship as they needed to reapply for citizenship to their corresponding nation, move out of their nation, or be left nationless with no citizenship to any existing nation unless they founded their own.

Culture and media

Official Languages


Kaetan English

Kaətan Latin

Official Religions



National Languages


Kaetan English

Kaətan Latin

National Religions


