Fau's free and eternal nation

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Fau's free and eternal nation

Fau's free and eternal nation
Type of Goverment costitutional monarchy
King Daniele Longobardo I and Jolyane Laure Marie-Angelique I
Premier Enzo Garriou
Date of foundation 07/09th/2019
Official language Italian, English, French
Others languages Portuguese, Turkish
Citizens 10 (9 official)
Motto Free, eternal dream! Libero, eterno sogno! Libre, éternel rêve!

Daniele Longobardo

Daniele was born in Bologna in 05/06th/2004. He lived for 3 years there and after he left the city and he moved in Poggio Renatico, Ferrara's province. He is the first king of Fau's free and eternal nation and he is the first citizen (07/09th/2019).

Jolyane Laure Marie-Angélique

Jolyane was born in Martinique, in Fort-de-France, she lived for one year in Ravine Vilaine and after she moved to the center of the island for 8 years almost. After she moved to Rivière-Salée. She is a girl who is always interested in a lot of things, so the idea to become Fau's Free and Eternal Nation's queen, it is a way for her to create and to improve her world. The micronation which she joins, it was born thanks to Daniele Longobardo. Both want to create a free, innovative and playful society. "Fau's Free and Eternal Nation is a place where everybody can find own place".


Fau's Free and Eternal Nation was born on July/09/2019 thanks to Daniele Longobardo. The Nation was born as an absolute monarchy. After, Daniele decided that Jolyane Marie-Angélique could be the queen. On the July/09/2019, thanks the elections, the Absolute Monarchy became a Costitutional Monarchy with the first premier Enzo Garriou.

Laws and Costitution


1) The Absolute Monarchy ensures and protects all inviolable human rights. The Country must give the freedom at everybody. The freedom of any nature that isn't against to Law and to life of a faudian or not.

2) Non-English speakers are required to know at least one of the other official languages ​​or are of the same family to increase communication and to facilitate learning. Those who refuse to learn one of the official languages, Italian, French and English, will be helped according to the law. The linguistic minorities present will be safeguarded with absolute respect and severity in maintaining their culture. Optional lectures will be given to the population and in this line the non-Anglophone or non-speakers of one of the three above mentioned languages ​​will therefore be helped.

Some informations

The type of government is provisional.

The king is making a language.


