Marquetten astronomy series dukesmarks

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The Marquetten Astronomy series is a semi-circulating commemorative issue of dukesmark notes and groz coinage. They celebrate the field of astronomy featuring primarily objects orbiting the sun and their natural satellites.


The astronomical groz coins generally feature moons however the 19/~ and 20/~ coins feature the first satellite and astronomical units of measure respectivley.

Astronomical Groschen coins
Denomonation Obverse Reverse Diameter Thickness composition edge
1/~ Selene luna 52pt 4.5pt Copper Smooth
2/~ corresponding deity(s) phobos and deimos* 60pt 5pt
3/~ Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto* 65pt 6pt milled
4/~ moons of saturn* 65pt 6pt Nickel
5/~ moons of uranus* 1in 6pt
6/~ moons of neptune* 1in 6.5pt
7/~ Vanth 1in 6.5pt
8/~ moons of pluto* 1in 6.5pt Nordic gold Nickel
9/~ Nereid Actaea Actaea 1in 6.5pt
10/~ corresponding deity(s) Namaka and Hi'iaka* 1.2in 7pt
11/~ Weywot* 1.2in 7pt
12/~ Michael E. Brown, Chad Trujillo, David Rabinowitz* MK2† 1.2in 7pt
13/~ a Xiangliu wrapped around a octagram Xiangliu 1.2in 7pt Nickel Nordic gold beringgit
14/~ Dysnomia (daemon) Dysnomia 1.2in 7pt
15/~ Vesta in a hexastyle temple with four steps Vesta 1.5in 7pt
16/~ Pallas (titan) Pallas 1.5in 7pt
17/~ corresponding deity Hygiea 1.5in 7pt
18/~ Vulcan 1.5in 7.5pt Nordic gold
19/~ Sergei Korolev Sputnik 1 2in 7.5pt
20/~ comparison of 1k AU, Ly, and pc comparison of Pr, Δ🜨L, and AU 2in 8pt Milled icosagon

*depicted on separate coins

†moon of makemake


Planned Commemorative banknotes
Image value Dimensions Main Colour Description Date of
Obverse Reverse Obverse Reverse watermark Printing Issue
ℳ1 5×3in cosmic latte Mercury (god) Mercury from space Astronomical symbol of Mercury
ℳ2 5×3in cosmic latte Venus (godess) View from orbit and surface of Venus Astronomical symbol of Venus
ℳ3 5×3in cosmic latte Gaia (godess) Planet earth and voyager inscriptions Astronomical symbol of Earth
ℳ4 5×3in cosmic latte Mars (god) View from orbit of Mars and rovers Astronomical symbol of Mars
ℳ5 5×3in cosmic latte Ceres (godess) and Giuseppe Piazzi Ceres and the Dawn Astronomical symbol of Ceres
ℳ6 5×3in cosmic latte Jupiter (god) Juiter and its moons Astronomical symbol of Jupiter
ℳ7 5×3in cosmic latte Saturn (god) Saturn from orbit Astronomical symbol of Saturn
ℳ8 5×3in cosmic latte Uranus (god) and Herschel Uranus from orbit Astronomical symbol of Uranus
ℳ9 5×3in cosmic latte Neptune (god) and Urbain Le Verrier Neptune from orbit Astronomical symbol of Neptune
ℳ10 5×3in cosmic latte Orcus (god) and David R Orcus from orbit Astronomical symbol of Orcus
ℳ11 5×3in cosmic latte Pluto (god) and Clyde Tombaugh Pluto from orbit Astronomical symbol of Pluto (bident)
ℳ12 5×3in cosmic latte Haumea (godess) and Mike Brown Haumea from orbit Astronomical symbol of Haumea
ℳ13 5×3in cosmic latte Quaoar (god) and Chad Trujillo Quaoar from orbit Astronomical symbol of Quaoar
ℳ14 5×3in cosmic latte Makemake (god) Makemake from orbit Astronomical symbol of Makemake
ℳ15 5×3in cosmic latte Gonggong (god) Gonggong from orbit Astronomical symbol of Gonggong
ℳ16 5×3in cosmic latte Eris (godess) Eris from orbit Astronomical symbol of Eris
ℳ17 5×3in cosmic latte Sedna (godess) Sedna from orbit Astronomical symbol of Sedna
ℳ18 5×3in cosmic latte Sol (god) Sun with planetary orbits as lines Astronomical symbol of the sun
ℳ19 5×3in cosmic latte Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias Cosmic Microwave Background 🟑
ℳ20 5×3in cosmic latte Dr. Nancy Grace Roman and Hubble Space Telescope Hubble eXtreme Deep Field 🟄