Micronational War Classification

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The Micronational War Classification is a scale of how "big" the war was. This method was developed by the Rackistan Intelligence Department. This will only be filled out by a war that ended.

  1. Duration of the war
    1. Short war, 1 day or less.
    2. 1 - 3 day long war
    3. 4 - 14 day long war, often a major conflict
    4. 14 – 42 days, a seemingly never-ending war.
    5. 42+ days, an extremely long war.
  2. Competitors in the war.
    1. A war against "Rebels", pretty much against yourself.
    2. Two sides, however more like a civil war.
    3. Two sides, not a civil war.
    4. 3 - 5 nations
    5. 6+ nations
  3. "Serious" level
    1. Not serious at all, a joke.
    2. Semi-serious, still sort of joke-like.
    3. Serious, may use actual proper war-like methods.
    4. Quite serious, may use some Nerf-Airsoft weapons.
    5. Very serious, uses actual fistfights and/or real weapons.

After you have all of your numbers, calculate the average of them all. This can be done by adding all of your numbers together, then dividing it by 3.

Wars calculated