National anthem of Barvinia

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Hino Nacional Barvínio
National anthem of Barvinia
English: Barvinian National Anthem
Also known asHino Nacional da Barvínia (English: Barvinian National Anthem)
LyricsMatheus Lima, 2024
MusicBlas Parera, 1813
AdoptedApril 19th, 2024
Audio sample
National anthem of Barvinia

The National Anthem of Barvinia is the official musical composition representing the Republic of Barvinia. It is a piece of great cultural and historical importance to the inhabitants of the country. The music, with its striking melody and inspiring lyrics, evokes the values, history, and national identity of Barvinia.

Composed by Blas Parera with lyrics by Matheus Lima, Barvinia's national anthem was adopted as the official symbol of the country in April 19th, 2024. Since then, it has been sung on a variety of civic occasions, such as state ceremonies, international sporting events, and patriotic celebrations.

The anthem's lyrics, written in Barvinian Portuguese, extol the natural landscapes, history, bravery of the people, and ideals of freedom and unity. The melody, emotive and solemn, conveys a deep sense of belonging and national pride to the citizens of Barvinia.

Barvinia's national anthem continues to play a significant role in the national identity and social cohesion of this country, inspiring generations with its powerful emotional appeal and message of unity and hope.


The "Hino Nacional Barvínio" is, by Barvinian law, just executed while raising the national flag. When it is being lowerd, the "Hino à Bandeira Nacional", Barvinian flag anthem, should be sung.


Portuguese original Catalan Original English translation

És ti, Barvínia, orgulho ideal

Levantai a bandeira austral!

De tua história escamam-se vinhas

És antiga pátria de labor


De tuas montanhas o sol resplandece

Já chegou o tempo do vigor!

São escudos dos céus que te blindam

Que te blindam de forte estridor

Que te blindam de forte estridor!


Tremula livre o triuno dos mares

É dotado de côres e esplendor

Tremula livre o triuno dos mares

É dotado de côres e esplendor


Levantai, Povo Barvínio

Guardai o vosso porvir!

Guardai o vosso porvir

Somos filhos da terra do sul


És pátria unida sempre a ressurgir

Pátria unida sempre a ressurgir

Pátria unida sempre a ressurgir


Ets tu, Barvínia, orgull ideal

Oneja la bandera austral!

De la teva història es descanten les vinyes

Ets antiga pàtria de labor


De les teves muntanyes el sol resplendeix

Ja ha arribat el temps del vigor!

Són escuts dels cels que et protegeixen

Que et protegeixen del fort estridor

Que et protegeixen del fort estridor!


Oneja lliure el trinomi dels mars

És dotat de colors i esplendor

Oneja lliure el trinomi dels mars

És dotat de colors i esplendor


Oneja, Poble Barvini

Guardeu el vostre futur!

Guardeu el vostre futur

Som fills de la terra del sud


Ets pàtria unida sempre a ressorgir

Pàtria unida sempre a ressorgir

Pàtria unida sempre a ressorgir


You are, Barvinia, ideal pride

Raise the southern flag!

From your history vineyards emerge

You're the ancient homeland of labor


From your mountains the sun shines

The time of vigor has come!

They are shields from the heavens that protect you

That shield you from strong clamor

That shield you from strong clamor!


Wave freely the triumvirate of the seas

It is endowed with colors and splendor

Wave freely the triumvirate of the seas

It is endowed with colors and splendor


Rise, People of Barvinia

Guard your future!

Guard your future

We are sons of the southern land


You're a united homeland always to rise again

United homeland always to rise again

United homeland always to rise again