Nine Laws or Constitution of the Constitutional Facist State of Elysium

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The Nine Laws or Constitution of the Constitutional Facist State of Elysium were written by the first Fuhrer, and adopted on February 8, 2022. They provide the basis for every new law that any Fuhrer, present and future, may pass. They restrict His overreach into the lives and wellfare of His subjects, and prevent an abuse of the otherwise limitless power embued in him by his position.

Why does a Facist State have a Constitution?

The First Fuhrer, upon establishing the State, believed that there is only one Unlimited Power, and that Power was not mortal. He believed that a mere man is not worthy to possess such might, and in his time, he saw that abuse of power was becoming widespread. So, he spent weeks scouring histories to learn from the past which laws were required to limit a governing body, while allowing them to remain the sole source of goverment. He came up with 9 rules, and established them forever, passing the only permanent Law that will ever exist outside of the 9 laws: The Nine Laws may never be altered, abolished, or changed. They stand firm as the beacon light for all who live under the reign of the Fuhrer, and serve to remind the Fuhrer of his limits as a human, and that no one, not even a great One such as Himself, deserves unlimited power over his fellow men.

The Nine Laws

                              The Nine Laws or Constitution of the Union of Elysium

1. The Fuhrer is the Absolute Authority; anything said by Him, inside the law, is UNQUESTIONABLY TRUE.

2. The Fuhrer must be a male, and is appointed by the previous Fuhrer upon His resignation, or death.

3. The Fuhrer must be a Citizen of the Union of Elysium, no less than a year in residence.

4. The Fuhrer may not handicap the right of the Citizens to keep and bear arms.

5.The Fuhrer may not handicap the right of the Citizens to raise suit against any other resident of the Union of Elysium, or allied nations, save the Fuhrer, and His Appointed.

6. The Fuhrer’s Appointed are as follows: - The General of the Elysian Army - Captains of the Elysian Army - The Advisor to the Fuhrer - The Leaders of Allied Nations

7. The Fuhrer is Absolute Head of the Elysian Military, along with all it’s Branches, Factions, and Troops.

8. Only the Fuhrer may declare war, and in the event of war being declared, the Fuhrer must announce His resolution to draft the Citizenry into His Military, or to release the Citizenry from being drafted. Regardless of His decision, it may not be changed, except it be desired by a majority of His Appointed.



If you would like to learn more about the Nine Laws, then please be patient; we are preparing a study on them, going into detail on every one of the Laws. Until then, Heil the Fuhrer, and good day.