Salem redeclaration of independence

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On 8 February 2022 the Imperial Kingdom of Salem signed the "treaty of vassalization" and becoming a puppet of the Republic of Socaland and forming The Republic of Salem. A few days later Socoland declared "That they no longer recognized The Czech Republic and Slovakia and recognized Czechoslovakia at first Salem did not react but then Salem said that they "no longer recognized it" due to a violation of a document that had been adopted earlier that month and Socoland said that Salem could keep it. Socoland said that they had to recognize Czechoslovakia, Salem thought that had proven to them that they had no free say and declared independence at first Socoland put Emi of the Republic of Vislan in charge.

After the fact

The (former) Republic of Salem's flag

After a while Socoland said fine but Emi said that although they could have independence but they would be in a commonwealth much like Britain and many of its former colonies