Tomasio Rubinshtein

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Image (2020)

Master Tomasio I, or simply known as Tomasio Rubinshtein is an Israeli-born philosopher by profession (writes philosophy) and is the Chairman of the Tomasio Hermitage, AKA, his housing unit, and the Co-Ruler of the Writer Hill Diarchy along with his mother, Queen Dafna I, who rules the Dafna Queendom. He was born on the 7th of December, 1997, in Israel, wrote 7 books in Hebrew and English, is Quora's Top Writer for 2018, and the owner of Philosocom, a site where he wrote hundreds of articles in English, for free. He was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of Autism and he generally lives a semi-solitary life, with little actual interactions with the outside world for an average day, since that is his version for a peaceful life. His website can easily be found online by looking up tomavichen.

He views himself as a semi-hermit who prefers to largely live alone, but he is nonetheless a very polite and nice individual. He heavily sympathizes with Writer Hill's motto, "Safety In Peace", and while Dafna I is his Co-Ruler, he in fact is the overall creator of Writer Hill, responsible for the name, flag, coat of arms and constitution, with the Queen only being requested to agree with the end results. His end-goal is to ultimately abolish the Diarchy and turn it into a hermitage, legitimately of course, by inheriting the Dafna Queendom when she will unfortunately pass away (although, God bless, that is far from happening, and he is glad), thus changing the country's name to Tomasio Hill.

Due to his solitary nature, Tomasio I does not have a spouse or kids, nor is planning to have those. Additionally he despises the idea of marriage due to ideological reasons. He spends most of his days in front of a computer, still amazed at the things computers can do as if he was an old man who was just introduced to modern-day technology. Finally, Writer Hill's Outerland, the Sate of Israel, considers him a disabled person due to his autism, and thus he is living from a humble pension. When asked why doesn't he works, he would reply "I have enough money" even though his pension is way below minimum wage, but still enough to be sustainable. Thus, unlike other rulers, he does not live in a luxurious manner, nor he is willing to.

Tomasio Rubinshtein's Official Symbol