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Types of government specific to micronationalism

Bauwerism, also known as Bauwerscteit (English: Bauwer state) is an ideology and type of government that was used by the Gasconadian government in the period after the Ozark Union. It is often compared with variants of Authoritarian democracy, and national populism through its strong support of populism, nationalism, and authoritarianism. It differs though on its policies of established religion, anti-Capitalism, environmentalism, and of course being specific to the so called Bauwer nation.


Bauwerism is culturally right wing, and economically left wing.


Culturally, Bauwerism is very conservative. It upholds fundamentalist Protestant Christianity; promotes the family, homesteading, and traditionalism. Bauwerism heavily represses all things viewed as progressive and modern, including abortion, same-sex marriage, and gender-affirming care, among other things.


Economically, Bauwerism is fairly similar to market socialism, while staying anti-Marxist. Businesses are required to have an independent trade union, with the employees holding a majority stake in their place of work. Resource allocation is left up to the market, albeit with considerable regulation. Bauwerism upholds a progressive income tax, and an inheritance tax, similar to Huey Long's Share the Wealth plan. All banks in this system would be completely owned by the state.

The State

Regarding the state, Bauwerism is a mix between dictatorship, and representative democracy. It is characterized by a strong leader, and a subservient legislature. Elections for the legislature occur at roughly the same frequency as in other micronational governments, while elections for the leader seldom happen, as the leader holds his position for life. The legislature and the leader share a lot of powers, but when disagreements happen, the leader takes precedent. It hold that the state should act as the steward of the environment, maintaining it for purposes of health, and posterity. Bauwerism upholds that the rights of the citizenry come before all else.


Bauwerism is fervently anti-Marxist, and anti-Capitalist. It holds that states should represent specific nationalities, in a sort of ethno-cultural nationalism, and serve at the behest of the people it represents. Bauwerism believes that these nation-states should be completely self sufficient, or autarkic.


The ideology of Bauwerism was used exclusively in the Meanwealth of Gasconade after its union with Ethosia.

See also